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  1. lynx13

    Cat poops on the floor, and I`m going insane!

    I am having a similar problem. I am trying new things to find out why is he acting like this. I will take him to vet today and see if he is having any medical issues. Also, I have changed the brand of the litter but it is the same quality and I am willing to buy new brand and quality today. I...
  2. It is not sweet without Sukkar (Sugar)

    It is not sweet without Sukkar (Sugar)

  3. lynx13

    It is not sweet without Sukkar (Sugar)

    My lovely Sukkar has ended her struggle on 13th Jan 2013 with lung cancer and now she is in better place. Sukkar whom had a health issue was probably related to family genes. Sukkar was found as stray cat after her mother dumped her when she was about 4-5 weeks old. I picked her up and took...
  4. 582364_10151185965876954_657246621_n.jpg


  5. lynx13

    New Apartment, Cats Going Crazy

    I got 8 cats and smaller space than what you got. 5 of them are adorable freakish nightmarey kittens (2 weeks old). They were unsettle till I bought them beds, cages and cushions. Nothing worked for me till I brought the magical dream house for them......Cardboard box. If that box is not there...
  6. lynx13

    Cat Won't Stop Crying at Night

    The other cat you have, is it female or male? Are they spayed? In general, most cats are active at night.
  7. lynx13

    I am too concern now ( heavy breathing)

    Hello there, My kitten has been into a series(not serious) of health issues. First at what it look like she caught a fever and her temperature was up the roof and the vet has managed that. Then, she lost apatite for food, drinking, cleaning and moving with bleeding gums and I was afraid that...
  8. lynx13

    Comment by 'lynx13' in media 'Image'

    nice shorts
  9. lynx13

    Vaccine shot question

    Hello there, I had some doubt about my cats vaccine shots. One of my kitten got sick and all of them now had ring-worms. I am also, concern because my 10month cat had just recently delivered new kittens. However, according to my vet vaccine certificate, here is the shots that they received...
  10. lynx13

    Stressed Out Cat

    Are the other female cats new in the family?
  11. lynx13

    Odd urine troubles with new cat...

    Nice of you to take care of Norman such a nice story. What I am about to say it is just a suggestion and it might take a while to preform. Try to put an old cloth piece near the litter box, and let him get used for it for a period of time. the,remove this piece of cloth from its place and see...
  12. lynx13

    Mom moving her kittens

    Thank you very much it really worked for me. Bought her a new bed and covered her with a blanket and she accepted it.
  13. lynx13


    Cats are natural hunters & ninjas. When cats prey they could kill it is prey to eat it or they attempt slowly killing it for their own amusement but a cat can't focus well close up, and sometimes must release the prey in its mouth to get a good look and a proper grip. Both to prevent the catch...
  14. lynx13


    Don't do as what I did. My cat got in heat two times this year I didn't spayed her or mate her. The last time she got grumpy and depressed. She started doing everything less than usual (eating, drinking, playing, grooming..etc) She lost too much weight now I am paying the price for my vet bill...
  15. lynx13

    Mom moving her kittens

    My back hurts me like mad cause I slept on the floor. She is stray/feral cat and I did moved her into a closed box but she keeps moving them all the time into my BED. Do you think I should try buying her a new house bed? The one that looks like bird house but made of cloth
  16. lynx13

    Mom moving her kittens

    Hello there, I know that I shouldn't interfere with moma cat when she is relocating her baby kittens to another place cause she wants to let them be in safety. But my question is : Why did she moved them next to me in my bed? How to deal with it? I don't want them in MY BED.
  17. lynx13

    Complicated issue

    The vet told me she had some sort of very hard respiratory tract infection. Crysto-something I forgot it in my way home.  
  18. lynx13

    Complicated issue

    Canned wet food
  19. lynx13

    Complicated issue

    What about the bleeding gums?  
  20. lynx13

    Queen care

    Hello there, My 1 year and a month delivered a new 5 healthy kittens. Now that I gave her a new box and new litter-box that is near to her and her kittens but she never pooped so far. I feed her some raw meat and chicken. She left once from the box and came to me meowing few times and then...