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  1. M

    Devastating Situation

    I'm so so sorry to hear about Pokey... I know that she was grateful to have you all there by her side in her last days. And no, you'll probably never be the same, but just remember that she loves you and is watching over you, and that you'll be together again some day. I'm very sorry for your...
  2. M

    stray baby.... please help!

    thank you all so much for being so sweet to me. I've been having a really hard time with this little baby's death... It's been really easy to blame myself for what happened, but when I read your comments, I feel so much better about taking her in. Thank you for your kind words and your...
  3. M

    stray baby.... please help!

    Thank you all very much. I just wish I could have done more for her... She deserved so much more. thank you again for all the support. I'm forever grateful. :angel2:
  4. M

    stray baby.... please help!

    Well, I just wanted to write and say thank you to all the people that posted to me last night. The little baby died in her sleep... I went in there this morning to check on her, and she was gone. My boyfriend helped move her and made me feel better by telling me that she died with a full...
  5. M

    Going to have to find stray orange kitty a new home

    I just have to tell you - That "it's meow or never" video is the saddest thing I've ever seen. I'm sitting here just bawling... I wish I could save them all... alright, well best of luck with your tomcat - I wish I could help, But i've never had outside cats... sorry. Thanks for the video...
  6. M

    stray baby.... please help!

    Yeah, I have a few towels wrapped around the heating pad. You guys should see her... she's sprawled out on that thing like white on rice!!! it's so cute! She's doing better... she seems to be more alert and comfortable here. Do you think she'll be ok in the bathroom for the night? Like I...
  7. M

    stray baby.... please help!

    thank you so much. How much do you think it will cost to get her checked out? I'm a starving student, you know how that is. Also, I was wondering. Would she be so tired just from being out in the cold and being sick? I mean, she's just purring away, and talking my ear off, and she's going...
  8. M

    stray baby.... please help!

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum, so please help me out a little Alright, well tonight, I picked up a stray kitten that can't be more than a month old. She's tiny tiny tiny. We have a lot of strays around our appartment complex, and I saw this one a few days ago, right before it got cold...