Search Results

  1. M

    Oscar and his best buddy Tai

    I know I'm late but it's one of the few free time days Here's my Oscar with his buddy Tai (on pillow, neighbor's boy). Oscar's 3 months older that Tai and they've been best friends since they first met. I know they look alike but they have no relation (they were found in different and very...
  2. M

    Cat needs a bath...

    I can say I am one of those lucky persons that have got my cat used to bathing once every month. It takes only some minutes and I feel I have to do it because Oscar goes out to the garden a lot, gets dirty and all that. But it's his first winter, and despite the fact that in Greece winters are...
  3. M

    Does your cat do this too?

    Oscar is neutered for a month now, so due to my vet his ormones are fine and he has no sexual rushes. But he keeps having a habit that he firstly presented at the age of 3 months. He bites a piece of a fuzzy material (his bed for example) and massages the rest of it. I noticed he gets pretty...
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    Hi! I am Maria, 19 years old and I found the site during my search for advice on how to stop my cat from scratching the couch (ouch...!). I found the now 8-month-old neutered Oscar last April (just one month old) very sick and ready to die. Fortunately, after hard tries he recovered and is now...