Search Results

  1. drubole

    Turning his nose up all of a sudden?

    Hello again!  Well, we have had quite the time with the guy who was our main reason for feeding healthy raw meals!  I think he gorged himself one day, resulting in basically regurgitating his meal.  After that he was sniffing and walking away!  OH NO...we didn't panic, we put our thinking caps...
  2. drubole

    Questions about raw transition

    Hello from Upstate NY.  I am Mom to Dick, Doodle, Gabby, and Smudge who have been eating ground chicken backs, organs, liver, egg yolk, taurine, bcomplex, fish oil, and E...My question is about the "little guy" (6 months)..he seems to love eating it but he pukes every other day or so.  Is this...