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  5. J

    unfriendly persian

    i had a persian a long time ago. Got her as a kitten and there was an instant bond btw us...but she pretty much hated everyone and everything else. very strange. We had a dog at the time but the cat definitely wore the pants in that relationship. She had the potential to be pretty vicious as...
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    digging in my hair

    good to know i do use organic everything so he must have a hair fettish or some yearning for the teet!
  7. J

    digging in my hair

    im just curious. georgie has ALWAYS done this.. when i lay down to sleep at night, he starts digging or kneading in my guessing the way he did with his mother looking for milk but hes now 1.5 years old. Why does he continue to do this? I dont mind this at fact i love it...
  8. J

    loosing one of two

    and here is one of our new little Kiki
  9. J

    loosing one of two

    so i know its been awhile, but im a bit of a nightmare on the it took me awhile to figure out how to make my pics small enough. anyhoo...heres on of me and georgie, sleeping (its my fav pic)!
  10. J

    loosing one of two

    Update! so its been almost 3 weeks since we lost piggy and though we are all (me, ken, and georgie) still grieving...we decided not to let too much time go by before we introduced a new kitten into the family. Since Georgie is a boy, we thought he might be more receptive and less threatened by...
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    Fur Mouse

    my cats had one of these...but i ended up taking it away. They were brothers and best buddies but when that thing came onto the scene they got very possessive with it and aggressive towards each other. any other toy (non-animal) was always shared and treated more as a game. i think anything...
  12. J

    What do you miss most about your furbaby?

    Things i miss about Piggy: morning meow/snuggles...letting me know it was time to wake up and play with him the way he would look back, just as he was about to go outside and meow one quick time as if to say, 'see you soon' the way he would sit with me and Ken and intently 'watch' tv with us...
  13. J

    Won't bury the poop

    lol. my cat Geogie does the same thing....although he springs out of the box like a bat out of he cant stand his own smell or something, i find it quite amusing. Now he prefers going outside. He'll stand and paw at the door just to 'go' and then come right back in....he's so...
  14. J

    loosing one of two

    Thank you all for your input. I will take it all into consideration. Georgie seems to be slightly better. We do actually talk to him all the time. I don't think its daft at all, cats are so perceptive...i swear Georgie can read my thoughts. As far as keeping him inside totally...
  15. J

    loosing one of two

    im sorry! i posted this in the wrong section
  16. J

    loosing one of two

    Hi, this is my fist time on this site/forum. Wednesday my cat, Piggy went missing. He was one of two brothers from the same frick and frack always together, playing, looking out for one another, etc.. Yesterday he turned up in a neighbors yard, unfortunately no longer alive...