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  1. B

    3AM CRYING - adult cat

    AWESOME. Both those links were VERY helpful. I will try some of the things there and see what happens. Thanks so much!
  2. B

    3AM CRYING - adult cat

    Thanks a lot - that has worked a few times with him... but sometimes he's very persistent. When we shut the door he tries to burrow underneath through the Berber carpeting (ack) so I can't do that anymore. But I'll give ignoring him another shot... I just hope my partner doesn't lose his mind...
  3. B

    3AM CRYING - adult cat

    Please help. My cat is a 3 year old neutered male. He stays indoors. We are gone during the day from 8 until about 6pm Monday through Friday, and usually around on the weekends. He has gotten in the habit of sitting on my bedside table and crying starting at 3AM. when i yell NO he runs away...