Search Results

  1. dolface

    Troubling Diagnosis what do I do

    I just had to take my poor SpookieBear back to the vet for what I thought was a routine check up so I could get some medication for her tape worms. Apperently someone had other ideas because as the vet was checking her out she found, what she called a significant heart murmur. And that's what...
  2. dolface

    A little Health Question

    Ok not sure this is the right thread for this but I have kind of a peculiar problem. I have two girls here one is a Balinese cross  who's just turning 5 this year and a mixed breed short hair that is just coming up on a year old. The little one has been rambunctious since the day she was...
  3. dolface

    Kitten Diarrhea

    Ok so i'm having a little difficulty here....we just brought our new baby Sweet Pea into the fold 2 weeks ago and we have our reinging queen SpookieBear who will be 5 in problem is Sweet Pea is not as old as we were originally told instead of coming up on 9 weeks, she will only be...
  4. dolface


    Hello i'm new on the site, thought I would say hello and introduce us.....this is our baby SpookieBear she's a very spunky, sometimes very odd 3 yr old balanese cross...we got her when she was just a wee lass of 4 weeks old....her favorite things are playing with bottle caps and zap...
  5. dolface

    Loss of Weight and Lack of Appetite

    I have a very rambucous 3 yr old cat named Spookie   Last friday she started hiding and not moving around Saturday she was not moving at all and not eating anything, even the treats she loves......usually she is a very good but strange eater...shes the only cat I know that absolutely...