Search Results

  1. kitkatz

    First Litter.. Think mother is dry??

    Is it common for a first litter of a young cat (11 months) to be dry? Our feral cat had a litter this afternoon but she appears to be milkless.
  2. kitkatz


    Okay I seem to be having troubal with my website. Pictures being reuploaded to another site. Enjoy them now.
  3. kitkatz

    Baby Kitten Pics

    Poor little baby. This one didn't make it. He was so cute. This is the one white one, I never got a pcture of the other one who also passed on. This one is living and is the biggest of the bunch!!!
  4. kitkatz

    Wierd Question about New Arrivals

    Yesturday our stray cat had kittens (2 white and 4 grey.) is it possible to tell the sex at this early stage or do we have to wait untill they grow a bit? I've never had kittens this small before. The're so cute and cuddly. These pics were taken just after they were born and the other two...
  5. kitkatz

    New Pictures of my fur-family

    Fluffy Blaze's big paws!!! See Mom, I could have played a hobbit in the Lord of the Rings!! Frosta Demon Cat!! Fluffy and in the background LC Graycie outside Help, I can't get down!!
  6. kitkatz

    New Pictures of my fur-family

    Three of Shadow watching birds though my bedroom window Just Graycie looking pretty. These two are of my rb kitty, Luna. She was a stray, she was living with a man down our block but had been dropped off sometime, a wonderful kitty, hugh, we think she was a norweigen forrest cat. She was...
  7. kitkatz

    Celebrating St. Patricks Day

    Graycie was a bad boy this St. Patricks Day
  8. kitkatz

    Some new pictures

    What a hard job doing your taxes is A little cleaning is in order And a nap, if I could just fall asleep stading up What pretty green eyes Graycie has Elsa looking down at.... Graycie looking up. Frosta Closer look at her pretty blue eyes Blaze My Rainbow Bridge Stray kitty, Luna.
  9. kitkatz

    I'm so Stupid some times

    Theres a sponsor website up here that is advertzing trips to the Canaries Islands from as 84 pounds. My first thought when I saw this was: What???? There selling canaries on here?? We must really be slaves to our cats if we are buying them birds to eat I then saw the rest of the advert
  10. kitkatz

    A Cats Brain

  11. kitkatz

    Dog show

    Okay, I know that this isn't about cats but many of us have dogs here. Dog Show Ooops, you need internet explorer to view it.
  12. kitkatz

    New Pictures (Mostly LC)

    LC was having a cuddle fest on my bed. I thought she was so cute.
  13. kitkatz

    Lucky Kitty

    Lucky Kitty
  14. kitkatz

    Some other of my cats

    Me when I was about 5 or 6, with the first Gracie and Blackie. Princess, my cousin half torti-persian.
  15. kitkatz

    New (old) pics of Shadow

    Looking so innocent Playing in a box Playing with her stick under newspaper Investigating the inside of a newly craved pumpkin What a mean kitty!!!! Getting ready for vacation Washing Clothes!!! What a cute Christmas Present! _________________________________ I was looking though my...
  16. kitkatz

    My Website

    My Website
  17. kitkatz

    Happy Valentines Day

    Happy Valentines Day
  18. kitkatz

    My grandfathers dying, please pray.

    I just wanted to say goodbye for awhile because I wont be able to get on the computer. Heres why: We found out on Friday, my uncle has cancer all the way though his body and has weeks to live. On saturday morning my Grandfather colapsed(sp) and was rushed to the hospital having seizers and than...
  19. kitkatz

    Weird Cats.......or normal?

    Both Graycie and Shadow will sit and stare up at the ceiling and meow. When they see us look up they stop and look everywhere else even leaving the room. I've noticed the kittens starting to do the same thing Do other cats do this or are mine just really weird?
  20. kitkatz

    These are cute.
