Search Results

  1. Norfolk County0-20120924-00520.jpg

    Norfolk County0-20120924-00520.jpg

  2. Norfolk County0-20120622-00732.jpg

    Norfolk County0-20120622-00732.jpg

  3. Norfolk County0-20120723-00115.jpg

    Norfolk County0-20120723-00115.jpg

  4. Norfolk County0-20120126-00270.jpg

    Norfolk County0-20120126-00270.jpg

  5. puddikat


    Thank you for your replies.  Allow me to introduce myself.  I am a 51 yr old female, recently separated (after 30 years) and have no human children.  My cats have always been my children.  I grew up with animals and love them to death.  I have only had three kittens, and usually adopt grown...
  6. Norfolk County0-20120819-00199.jpg

    Norfolk County0-20120819-00199.jpg

  7. Puddikat


  8. puddikat

    Comment by 'puddikat' in media 'casper5.jpg'

    Franny, Lu Lu and Rockie
  9. puddikat


    Hi.  I'm Kat.  Short for Kathy and my cats are my family.  I am new on this block and very interested in the site however, ignorant on how it is run.  I would like to introduce you to myself and my cats.  How do I do that?
  10. Norfolk County0-20120722-00098.jpg

    Norfolk County0-20120722-00098.jpg

  11. Norfolk County0-20120819-00199.jpg

    Norfolk County0-20120819-00199.jpg

  12. IMG-20120423-00397.jpg


  13. Default

