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    Bad news

    Journey's End By Juanita H Webb When it is my time to die Please don't moan or cry This body that you see It is really not me It is only a shell of clay Because the spirit has drifted away Drifting in time and space Till the Lord comes down To call those of faith Death is not a time for weeping...
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    Bad news

    This morning at about 4 o'clock Blondiecat crossed over with her husband Ken and sister kittywarden at her side. I'm sorry that it took so long to get online and update you all. I thank you all for the great vibes and prayers that all of you sent but it just was not enough. One of us will add...
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    Uregent Request for prayer for Blondiecat

    She went in at around 2:00 sat afternoon with chest pains they run test but said they couldn't find anything wrong with her and let her go home at 5:00 shortly after that she had a major heart attack. They should have keep her atleast 3 more hours.
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    Uregent Request for prayer for Blondiecat

    I would prefer a doctor from another city one the has nothing to do with the local hospiltal the ER doc is the reason she is in there now. He screwed up big time. sorry just had to vent a little
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    Uregent Request for prayer for Blondiecat

    As of 4:30 Cathi still has not opened her eyes the brain doc said if she didn't open them to day that it was not good. I think that this doc is pigeon holing Cathi tring to say that everybody reacts the same with simalar problems I think Cathi needs more time before we give up all hope so keep...
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    Uregent Request for prayer for Blondiecat

    Cathi is 43 and just had surgery to fix a problem that she has had for years but they had just found out what is was in Nov last year. She was still recovering from that when this happened.
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    Uregent Request for prayer for Blondiecat

    Thanks hissy (ma) and rapunzel47 will try to keep every body updated.
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    Uregent Request for prayer for Blondiecat

    Thanks every body for all your support. Cathi had a massive Heart attack and it took more than 30 minutex to get it restarted we don't know if her brain was damaged yet her heart rate and blood pressure has inproved as well as her breathing, she is breathing on her on most of the time but she...
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    Uregent Request for prayer for Blondiecat

    If kitttywarden doesn't get you a update I will just as soon as I know any thing at all. And thank you all for your support
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    A new Year

    Happy New Year everybody. I know early for some late for others. Have a great year
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    Santa's been to Sam's!

    Merry Christmas Sam!!
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    The Mystery is Solved

    Hi sis the poor thing would never survived the landing the three protectors would have seen to that. Big Bubba
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    An Introduction

    The credit for taking the pictures goes to my sis Blondiecat. Thanks sis love Big Bubba.
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    An Introduction

    a larger Littlegirl
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    An Introduction

    a larger Coco Butter
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    An Introduction

    I would like to formaly introduce the latest members of my household. Coco Butter Littlegirl
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    What do you do with them?

    Plastic Jugs are great for putting used motor oil or antifreeze in to be recycled. You can be used for other recycleable liquids.
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KrazyKat and Lehezza

    Happy Birthday.
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    my hand is about to kill me

    sounds like you may have the early syptoms of carpal tunnel syndrom for give my spelling have your dr check for in wich every hand bothers you.
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    So everyone is asking...What the heck happened?

    Ya'll keep the backup on the same hard drive as the origanal or did ya'll keep it off site?