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  1. M

    Update on weaning kitten!

    well I'm not about to buy a scale to see if he's gaining weight, but he's definitely growing. But you're right, there was no point to the bottle of water. I just wanted to make sure he was hydrated...sorry...never hand reared a kitten before. But he is eating on his own. Kind of...sometimes he...
  2. M

    Update on weaning kitten!

    I posted a few days ago because I was frustrated over my kitten not being interested in Weaning. Well we figured out he just didn't like the food we were trying to give him! Got some "pate" and he dove right into that. Well actually...I had to spoon feed him and then he licked some remains...
  3. M

    Are we doing this right?!

    Ok that makes us feel a lot better! I don't want to starve the poor thing! He's a playful little one and I want him to get all the nutrients he needs so he can keep up his energy! What we're doing is dabbing the formula on his mouth and just making the bottle less available to him. But...
  4. M

    Are we doing this right?!

    Husband and I started weaning our 4 week old kitten about a day and a half ago. He is not interested AT ALL. I put his formula in a shallow dish and dabbed some on his lip. He doesn't even try to explore his dish or formula. Today we tried the KMR 2nd step. He sniffed around at it for a few...
  5. M

    Weaning questiions and concerns

    Evening all! The little kitten my husband and I rescued 3 weeks ago is growing fast and thriving! We are so happy with him, but we believe he's coming up on his 4th week and we think it's time to introduce him to his litter box and weaning him off the bottle. Today was the first day for both...
  6. M

    Kittty isn't pooping?!

    Thank you so much everyone! I've heard goat milk is a good alternative to KMR and can reduce chances of constipation so I'll try to that for now. He is kind of poooping now, but not enouh for me. Just little streaks of stool here and there. Yes I know probably TMI haha. I'll definitely call the...
  7. M

    Kittty isn't pooping?!

    Yes we are. I try to stimulate him for at least 30 seconds to a minute, but I don't want to irritate his skin either. He also lets us rub his stomach after every feeding. He seems to like that. We do gentle circular motions before we stimulate him.
  8. M

    Kittty isn't pooping?!

    Morning Everyone, I'm new to this site so I hope this is the right forum. Also, this will be a long one. Want to make sure I get all the details in so I can get the most accurate answer. So a week ago, we found a stray kitten. The vet said he's about a 1-2 weeks old. He just opened his eyes...