Search Results

  1. S

    What's Your Middle Name?

    mine is Joy. I had the middle name taken from an aunt.
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    Pics of Alley

    here is one of patches Im posting for chelle
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    Pics of Alley

    Here's a recent one of Alley
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    Game: Word Association

    Bite Tinsel
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    What's Everyone Reading??

    I also read books over and over if they are really good ones. Like I've read the Clan of the Cave bear series more times then I can count lol The Talisman, Black House, Hearts in atlantis and even Salems Lot go along with the Dark Tower series. They aren't required reading to understand the...
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    LOTR test

    another Legolas lol
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    Pics of Alley

    Nah, Alley just got bored waiting for her turn. She's a cutie!
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    Cute. Damn Cute.

    She's adorable!! Your photo's are Great!!
  9. S

    Real OR Fake?

    I'm getting one of those fake 6 foot white trees this year. Then I don't have to worry about the tree again for a long time. Plus they are so pretty!
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    Zeus is HUGE!

    oh he's so gorgeous, love his eyes!
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    Refrigerator Kitty!

    lol how cute
  12. S

    Happy Birthday Deb25!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you have a great Birthday!!
  13. S

    'Fess up...Who's hitting the sales?

    Oh Cool another Dark Tower Fan!! LOL I can't shop online cause we don't use credit cards, never have and I don't think we ever will so I have to shop in person lol I did brave Wal-Mart at around 10:00 last night and it was pretty empty, guess the crowds hit it in the morning.
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    Spaz, Pandora and Buddy Pics

    Here's Buddy and Spaz, they were going at it for a good 10 minutes chasing each other around the house and always ending up back on their little house lol
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    Spaz, Pandora and Buddy Pics

    Ok I'm officially obsessed with taking pics of them lol I've gotten over a 100 in the last week on the digital, I think even the cats are getting annoyed with me when I pull out the camera Here's a couple more I had to show This is another one of Pandora and Spaz hanging out on my bed.
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    He think's he own's the couch!

    oh he's so gorgeous!! I guess he's keeping it warm lol
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    share pics of ferals u feed!

    Here's another shot of them.
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    share pics of ferals u feed!

    Here's some my Mom just took in the other day. They were from a feral that hangs out outside of an old age home, an elderly lady asked my Mom if she could take them since she's not able to have pets where she lives so now they live at my Mom's house and are slowly getting used to humans.
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    How Cold Is It? ( Joke)

    I'm from Minnesota too! LOL I like that list, it reminds me of my sister and I a couple years ago. We were working at Imation and we had to go outside to smoke every night at breaks, so were outside and it's around -40 with the wind chill every night, so when it passed and it went up to 19...