Search Results

  1. julietgn

    How do I give medicine to hissing furrballs? :o)

    Hello Feralvr, That's a great idea - thanks so very much! I'll grab all towels in the house and try it today. Will let you know how it goes. I do pet mama a lot (she's so easy to love!). In fact, I've just had to peel her off my knee in order to make myself my first espresso of the day...
  2. julietgn

    How do I give medicine to hissing furrballs? :o)

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and I'm new to fostering... it's wonderful to see so many similar souls the world over :o) Apologies in advance for the waffle, but I just want to give you some background info. I live in Italy. 2 weeks ago I rescued a young tabby mama cat and her 4 adorable black...