Search Results

  1. F

    Smelly Flea Medication

    I have a cat that goes in and out, so we give her monthly flea medication. I HATE the smell of the medication, for a week she will smell so toxic I get nauseated when she goes on my lap. Right now we are on Frontline. So, is there flea medication that last longer than a month, so I don't have...
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    Dealing with my grief

    You might have seen my post. My cat died of lung cancer on March 2nd, she was 16, her name was Pretty Kitty, and I'm just so lost. I cried every time I visit her grave and I think of visiting her grave every day. I can't go every day, besides, I know she's not there anymore, I mean, her spirit...
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    Lung cancer

    Hi all. My cat is 16. She was diagnosed with lung cancer yesterday. It has spread to both lungs. There's an antibiotic that we can give her to help ease her pain, and prednosone pills to help with her breathing. My husband and I differ on this. I think we should put her to sleep before she's...
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    Twitchy Cat

    My cat Baby is 3 years old, she is mostly white with black patches. She had a really matted hair on her lower back, a few inches (3-4") from the base of her tail. This matted part is about 2" x 2". Because I couldn't brush or cut it out, I took her to a grooming salon yesterday and they just...
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    Poop outside the box and Glucosamine for cats

    Hi everybody, I just HAVE to share!!!! I'm not sure if this should be posted in Behavior or Health. But I think behavior is more important because we've been dealing with this for years. My male cat is 14 years old, and he hasn't poop in the litterbox for years. I know. Gross. It's our dirty...
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    Cooking for my cat

    I gave my cat some cooked chicken and she likes it. I have 2 other cats who will not touch anything but dry cat food. So, I'm thinking, what i if I cook for this one cat, what should I feed her and where to begin. / I used to have dogs that eat cooked ground beef mixed with rice, but I think...
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    Is my cat peeing on the carpet????

    I'm not sure. But I suspected. I have kids too so they might have spilled something. So there is a wet spot on the carpet, I cleaned it up last night, and this morning instead of being dryer, the wet spot seemed to have spread (like there is another wet spot right beside the first one). I'm...
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    am I allergic to cats

    Can you be more allergic to one breed of cat compared to another breed? I have 2 older cats, since they were 7 weeks old and now they are 13. I remember thinking I was allergic when we first got them from the shelter, I would sneeze and get irritated. And then I was fine, I kiss my cats, I...
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    Poop outside the box issue

    I have 2 old cats (13 yr olds), one of them, the male, has been pooping outside the box. I also have a 13 year old female that is his litter mate, and we just adopted a 2 year old. But this problem started way before we adopted our third cat. This has been a serious issue in our household. 2...
  10. F

    Litter box: open or closed?

    We have an open litter box, and I want to add another litter box but I'm thinking about one with a lid to prevent litter mess. Any opinion about this? I heard cats don't like closed litter box because it can be smelly in there? Also, do you change your litter box after so many years? We have...
  11. F

    How long do you keep a new cat separate from the existing cats in the house?

    We just adopted a 2 year old cat yesterday. We have two 13 year old cats in our house. The shelter suggested 10 days separation. Does it have to be that many days? LOL.. the new cat already warms up to us and she wants to explore the rest of the house. I understand the importance of...
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    Hi again!

    Hi it's me Filomali. I have 2 tuxedo cats, litter mates, since they are 7 weeks old. they are now 13. I posted in this forum 2 years ago about possibly getting another cat about the same age as my cats, but just before I went to adopt, she was adopted by someone else. I was pretty devastated...
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    Cardboard boxes cat condo

    I just found out about cardboard boxes cat condo on the internet today, did anybody here make one and what does yours look like? I always feel a bit guilty because we don't have a condo or a cat perch or whatever for our cats. They just hang out with us.
  14. F

    I want to adopt a cat but I already have 2 cats. Help please!

    Hi, I'm new here and I'm looking for advice. I have 2 cats, they are siblings, not declawed and I've had them since they were 7 weeks old. They are 11 years old. Kitty is the boss, Thomas is more timid. They sleep most of the day, Kitty on my bed and Thomas under the bed. The thing is, I...
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    Hi from Filomali & the cats

    Hello!! I'm Filomali, I have 2 long haired Tuxedo cats, they are brother and sister and they are 11 years old. Thomas the Cat and Pretty Kitty. I'm looking for advice and I also want to talk about cats. I guess I'll see you guys around the forum. In my spare time I'm a cake decorator. :) I'm...