Search Results

  1. S

    Fleas and small kittens...!

    I was just holding Archimedes (3 months old) and saw that he had a flea or two crawling on him. He got him from the shelter a week ago, and thinking he may have gotten them there. I am curious as to what would be the best course of action to rid these foul creatures... I know that flea...
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    Kitchen Fun With Your Cat

    KITCHEN FUN WITH YOUR CAT 1. Look in cookbook for cookie recipe. 2. Get cup of coffee. 3. Remove cat from cookbook. 4. Find a mouth-watering cookie recipe. 5. Remove cat's nose from coffee mug. 6. Get eggs from fridge. 7. Get dry ingredients from cupboard. 8. Break eggs in small bowl. 9. Sift...
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    Question to all

    What got you into wanting to rescue and join programs to help cats and kittens? I'll tell you my story. A friend, had rescued a cat who was wandering around and she took her in and cared for her. The cat over the next few days grew sick and my friend realized that the little one was...
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    Ash's weird obsession...

    Thought I would post this here. Its not really anything bad, just extremely odd. Ashley, is my 11 year old little furball. :p She has this odd trait about her. She sticks her tongue out! After eating, after grooming, laying down, sitting up... No matter what... She'll have her tongue...
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    I actually came here looking for an answer, but I love the furbabies too much so I have to stay!!! My name is Rayne (A nickname if you will) and my little furbaby is a Silver furball named Ashley. She's 11 years old and the cutest thing. I'd post a pic, but the only one I have of her is her...
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    [This is not meant to flair up Religious views, I am just getting word out for those who wish to help.] P~A~A~N - Pagans Against Animal Neglect. For those who wish to help in aiding those who cannot speak for themselves. Originated in South Carolina, but spread across the...
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    Looking for an item for paralyzed cats...

    Greetings all. I come here looking for a device I saw years ago. Its for Cats who have broken their hind paws, and this device holds up their bodies so that they can still move by pulling themselves with their forepaws. I ask for this device, as a friend, just saved a kitten's life last night...