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  1. nadia4589

    Momma cat keeps moving kittens around the house :/

    So our cat fluffy's kittens turn two weeks old today. She keeps picking them up from their box and moving them under beds and into closets, it takes me about 40 minutes to be able to locate where she has placed them. Everytime i move them back in the box the mother cat just keeps meowing. I...
  2. nadia4589

    1 week old kittens umbelical cords still attached? + new pics of my kitties :D

    Is this something that i should deal with, or will it fall off on its own?
  3. nadia4589

    Is this something to worry about?

    So fluffy's kittens will be a week old tomorrow. They are all doing fine, and when they want their mama they will scream for her lol. One of the kittens (the chubbiest one of the bunch) when he meows it comes out like when we humans have a sore throat and only a little sound comes out of our...
  4. nadia4589

    my nursing cat's nipples

    So my cat fluffy has been nursing for about 5 days now and one of her nipples towards the front has shrunk, looks really red and none of the kittens will drink from it, is this something normal? Please let me know thanks
  5. nadia4589


    her mucus plug just came out and she is licking away at her vulva, wish us luck!
  6. nadia4589

    Pregnant Cat's Nipples

    My cat fluffy is almost due, and i was taking a look at her nipples today. They are alot less pink than they have been, and they are really dry and crusty. Is this normal? sometimes this crust looks a little brown. please let me know thanks
  7. nadia4589

    First time pregnant cat owner and i REALLY NEED HELP!!!

    Soo i noticed that my cat fluffy was pregnant about 3 weeks ago, and she is getting bigger around the tummy area, but i have noo idea when she is due. I made up a box for her with newspaper and towels, and i think i felt her babies kicking the other night. Today Fluffy has been outside since the...