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  1. R

    Worried Help Please: Cat has brown and black crusty growth

    Thank you Stephanie, I have read that article. I've already contacted the closest resources in my area and am waiting for a response. I know they are really busy but I hope to hear back soon. Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it.
  2. R

    Worried Help Please: Cat has brown and black crusty growth

    Thanks for your help and response I really appreciate it. I will try to keep you updated if I can.
  3. R

    Worried Help Please: Cat has brown and black crusty growth

    I am in the Washington State in the US. I have been doing some research as well hoping to find something that will help me observe the cat better so I can help the doctor. I really want to help her so I will have to figure something out to get her to a vet soon. Thank you for your help. I...
  4. R

    Worried Help Please: Cat has brown and black crusty growth

    Thank you! I have been researching no-kill shelters and low cost vets in my area and am waiting to hear back. I appreciate your help.
  5. R

    Worried Help Please: Cat has brown and black crusty growth

    Hi everyone, My baby sister found a cat that isn't from our neighborhood. She is a persian cat and has been limping. A week ago she did not have this brown and black crust developed on her paws and now she does. I am worried about what that means. She still eats, tries to play when she can...