Search Results

  1. S

    My MANY animals.

    I have 7 pets right now... which is a few too many for my liking but I still love them all, haha. I have three cats, two guinea pigs, and two ferrets.
  2. S

    What's the last thing you ate?

    Two cheese strings and two turkey pepperettes.
  3. S

    Do you sleep with your cat?

    All three cats stay in the bedroom at night with me, but it's usually only the "middle child" that sleeps on the bed with me. He likes to use the top of my pillow to sleep on. The older one usually sleeps on their cat tree, and the youngest is usually on the cat bed, or under the human bed.
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    Hey everyone, Just thought I should stop in an introduce myself :) My name is Katie, I'm from Ontario and currently working as a veterinary technician at a cute little clinic. It's tough, but I wouldn't ever want to change my job. I have two cats of my own, one adopted from my college and the...
  5. S

    Working in a vet's office and dealing with declawing

    I'm a vet tech as well and hate the idea of declawing. Fortunately, the vet I work for does NOT condone it what so ever. He's very good at persuading people to think it over, do research, etc because so many people don't understand what it actually is. They either choose to do it because their...