Search Results

  1. M

    Kitties from the Same Litter - Strange Behavior

    I have two female cats that are both from the same litter. They are about 2 years old, and they absolutely hate each other. One cat is   more dominant than the other; she will growl and hiss if the other cat even enters the room. Then, she will go out of her way to attack the other cat. The...
  2. M

    Question about Rotation Feeding

    I have a question for those of you who rotate your cat's food. Do you guys rotate brands per meal, per day, per week, or do you finish one brand before moving to another? Which do you find better and why?   I am both a dog and cat owner. Currently, I rotate (for both pets) by going through all...
  3. M

    Cat Food Advice Needed -> Rotation Diets, Grain-Free, Controversial Ingredients

    Is there any website out there that offers information on cat food?? I am dog owner, soon-to-be cat parent. I have done a lot of research on dog food to both understand dog food labels and to pick out the best diet for my dog. Now that I am considering adopting a cat, I am starting at square...