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  1. harleysmommy

    Do you ever find it hard to believe just how much you love your cat.

    I've posted previously about how my cat Harley came to me as an abandoned stray kitten. I've been taking care of him ever since and although I've had other cats and dogs that I loved dearly and currently have a dog who I adore, I have never in my life loved any creature like I love Harley...
  2. harleysmommy

    Weird thing Harley Does with the Litter Box

    Every cat I've ever had whether they used litter boxes or did their business outdoors, all buried their poop. They did this instinctively and never had to be shown how to do it. Well Harley is a little bit different. I know he knows how to bury his waste because when he's played out back in the...
  3. harleysmommy

    My Cat has been Sleeping All Day

    Hi all...I'm a little worried about my cat Harley. First let me say that I know cats sleep alot and so does Harley, but he also usually has alot of energy during certain times of the day and night.  About sundown he usually likes to play. Right now its just after one am and by this time of...
  4. harleysmommy

    What's the Earliest a Male Cat can Be Neutered?

    Hi all, I've posted about my kitten Harley in some other threads and there are pictures of him up too. Anyway A quick recap. He was a stray who showed up in my backyard in early December. He was tiny, but could eat solid food. So I estimate he was about six weeks old. I pin his birthday...
  5. harleysmommy

    Harley Shows off for the Camera

    Here's some pictures of my kitten Harley. He looks like he loves to pose for the camera, but those who have cats know that he could care less about that, but just loves to get himself into all those "interesting" positions. But you gotta admit he is pretty photogenic. In the last one he's...
  6. harleysmommy

    New Member with New Kitten

    Hi Everyone, I just joined this site a little while ago and I wanted to introduce myself and say hi. Early last month, a little tuxedo kitten showed up in my backyard.  I took him in and named him Harley. Hence, my user name.  I have always been a huge animal lover, but the bond that I've...