Search Results

  1. lazy

    Help with blind cat recovering from illness please

    Hello, I am looking for help to aid Chopin. Chopin is a 4YO blinded since kittenhood. He lives with my parents in a 4 cat household. He was very well adapted to the house, and was (till he became ill) a very confident and able cat. Chopin became suddenly ill a week ago and since then –...
  2. lazy

    Homemade Pill Pockets?

    Hi all I'm looking for a DYS recipe for pill pockets. I've several cats of the "un-pillable" kind that like them - but they cannot be found here in Israel. Any suggestions welcome! Thanks
  3. lazy

    How to deal with an over- dependant cat

    Hello all! Dumbo is a 4 years old living in our home - one of our 16 altered indoor-only cats.He was left at our doorstep with 5 other siblings when his eyes were still to open - and was bottle fed . About 6 months ago we experienced an inter-cat agression period - the major players being Dumbo...
  4. lazy

    help identifying the secret "pee-er" in multicat home

    hi! this is quite urgent! For the last week we've been finding small amounts of urine in the oddest places at home - mostly an the kitchen area arround one of the house's "feeding stations" - that is also one of the most traffic ladden areas of the house. Yesterday I got hold of some reactive...
  5. lazy

    things are allways in the wrong place!

    According to Hoover (cat #15 in our home) things are allways in the wrong place - more so at 03:00 am. Consequently she takes it uppon herself to re-arrange - usually what's high on a shelf comes down whith a crash - to let us know ... and it is never one item only, and it is never the same item...
  6. lazy

    cleaning up after inappropiate urination

    hi! Does anybody know how to clean (odor and stains) urine off of natural feather filled pillows so as to erradicate incentive for kitty to do it again? (We're treating stress probelms whith Feliway and environmental enrichment...
  7. lazy

    very fearfull cat

    Four years ago we rescued a very sick kitty from the street.Our vet saved her life after a joint effort -hers and the cat's - that was on the verge of collapse due to an unexplained injury to her mouth and inner jaw. She's been with us since, and integrated fairly well with our other 15 indoors...