Search Results

  1. B

    Bringing in a New Kitten and I am the Weak Emotional Link?

    Hi everyone - I live alone with my cat.  I've had her for just under one year, and I love her dearly.  We used to live with my roommate and her cat, but when I got a new job we moved out together, and so it's been just her and me for about two months. I've been wanting to get a second cat. ...
  2. B

    The Dreaded Giardia

    Hi all - I'm a first-time cat owner, and my poor little kitten tested positive for Giardia. The vet gave me Panacur to treat with for 10 days, which is all fine and okay. What should I be doing in terms of the overall environment? We're good about keeping the litter box scooped, but how...