Search Results

  1. goddess_althena

    Sporadic Fighting - Multi-cat Situation - Advice?

    Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I've posted on here, but I'm having some cat troubles and I'm hoping to find some guidance. First off, I have a 9 cat household and have had all 9 for 6 years now. Quite often I ruminate on how I have more heart than sense. Lets just say its been...
  2. goddess_althena

    Pregnant Feral - What to do? All advice and wisdom welcome!

    Hi there (again!) I posted last year regarding the feral cats in my area hoping for advice. I got lots and am very thankful to everyone who helped out. Thing is, it was a very busy autumn, and I went from a 2 cat household to a very full 9. Many feel I'm crazy (including myself some days), but...
  3. goddess_althena

    Looking for some guidance and/or advice

    Hi there everyone. New to the board, found a link at and thought it would be nice to get some advice from people who are invested and look after stray/feral cats themselves. I'm rural and currently have 3 feral cats who visit and have a bite to eat each day. They've been...