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  1. L

    two feral kittens...hope I didn't mess things up.

    Yesterday, I spotted one of the ferrel cats on my porch, with two four-five week old kittens nursing on her. Mom is pretty sweet but skittish, understandably. She has allowed me to pet her from time to time and I do make sure she has food. I've tried trapping her to get her spayed, but she's...
  2. L

    Newborn Kitten Dropped at my front door! Help!

    Ferel cats everywhere this spring. One of them loves my porch and guess what she brought today.. A new born kitten. She's been hanging around under my veranda since I've moved here. I leave food and water out, just in case but I've never been able to get close enough to her. I noticed a few...
  3. L

    Question---Warm Compresses on infection site.

    Hello everyone. So, I've been treating Cheech for an absess due to Warbles (it had been removed) but it seems it stopped draining away the infection. The hole is closeing. The sight is still angry red and swollen...and I've been doing warm compresses to reopen it up. I've been doing it twice...
  4. L

    Cheech and Me

    My name is Abby and I have my very first cat. (very first pet too) He's a kitten right now and I've named him Cheech. He's very mellow, sleepy and I know he isn't feeling well but he'll be seeing the Vet this afternoon (at 12) so I'm praying everything goes well. Cheech is/was a dumped...
  5. L

    Lethargic Kitten

    Yesterday, a new friend gave me a kitten that had been dumped on the family's property. She gets tons of kittens from the strays that run around but she knew this baby boy was a house cat. He is affection, but very sleepy and lethargic. When held, he curls up against me, purrs but also cries...