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  1. S

    Kitten meowing before going potty

    Sorry if this isn't the right place for this! I couldn't decide between this section and "pregnant cat and kitten care" Before reading this... Kitten IS already scheduled for a vet appointment next week (far away, I know, but the best we can do). Now I've noticed that before she goes potty...
  2. S

    Will Kitten know where to pee?

    Me again! Just brought home a 8 week old kitten today. She had a long day, playing with her new big brother, exploring, napping, doing it all over again. We went to bed down for the night and decided to bring kitten in the bedroom with us since big brother is 1 year old and we wanted to be...
  3. S

    In memorandum : Coal and Ahr

    I hope not just one of my special, fuzzy friends will be waiting for me over that bridge but all of them. To Coal... my first cat. Forever fat and sassy. And to Ahr. Licker of my toes. Probably the most heart-breaking good-bye I've ever had. Sadly he was an outside born kitty who let just...
  4. S

    Pleased to meet you

    Hello! Pleased to meet you all. You can just call me Zee. My girlfriend and I are the proud mommies of two kitties. A place like this is amazing! Being able to discuss things and even get some advice is such a big help. First is our boy. He has QUITE a story and is very, very special and...
  5. S

    Older cat not playing nice with new kitten

    Hello! I just today got a brand new kitten, she's about 8 weeks old so 2 months or so. We have an older cat, a male who is about a year old give or take, who is to be her new big brother. Now big brother Bug has just recently been neutered last month (not sure if this could have anything to...