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  1. beautifuldevian

    infected cut!

    Emo has an infected cut, is there anything I can do to help keep it clean, so that it heals quickly? Should I take her to the vet? The cut is a little red, and there was a very small amount of pus this morning. Thanks for the help!
  2. beautifuldevian


    Hi there! Felicity is getting over her upper respiratory infection very nicely. She has begun eating by herself, and seems to have a good appetite. Her breathing is much more clear, and she all around seems much happier. The only question I have, is that she is not nearly as active as she...
  3. beautifuldevian

    fuzzy wuzzy pictures

    Just thought I'd share some funny pictures of the twins (Emo and Easter) I have never met a cat who spends soo much time lying on her back.. Strange!!
  4. beautifuldevian

    Thank you thank you thank you!!

    I'd just like to tell you all that Felicity has finally decided to eat all by herself!!! She is definately improving. Thank you ALL for all your help and answers!!!
  5. beautifuldevian

    Feeding tube question

    When I spoke to my vet last, he suggested that we might have to put Felicity on a feeding tube, as she is not eating due to a URI. I'm just curious as to the general cost of this, and how long the tube will have to stay in, I am totally clueless, so excuse these stupid questions. Is this a...
  6. beautifuldevian

    does she hate me??

    Why is it that when we go to the vet, he can hold her down and pry open her mouth and its no problem, she just sits there and takes it, but then when I try to do it she goes NUTS She squirms all around, and her head. . . it's everywhere, its like she's trying to fight for her life. I just...
  7. beautifuldevian

    uri Felicity update

    So I brought Felicity to the vet since she was having some respiratory problems. He said that the infection appears to be viral, and so there is little point of giving her antibiotics unless it is a bacterial infection. He gave me this stuff call Viralys with Lysine. Now I'm not sure if I...
  8. beautifuldevian

    URI question

    Can upper respiratory infections be passed on from cat to cat?
  9. beautifuldevian


    Felicity has been "coughing" for the last 5 or so minutes.. and she keeps acting like she's about to throw up but nothing comes up. I've never seen her or the other cats do this.. its like.. you know when your sick, and you have the dry - heaves.. where you throw up but nothing comes out.. sorry...
  10. beautifuldevian


    Hello, I noticed yesterday that Easter has been sneezing a lot lately, and that when she does sneeze she kind of sounds like she's congested.. almost like she has a stuffy nose, lol. I'm just wondering if this is serious? and what I can do about it, thanks.
  11. beautifuldevian


    Ok, so Emo and Easter were fixed a week ago today, and the vet told us to take their stitches out after 7 days, so we were going to do that, but we noticed that Emo's stitch looks almost as if it's healed into her scar. So, well we're not comfortable taking the stitches out, and want to bring...
  12. beautifuldevian

    *Hiss* *Growl*

    Ok. so I got my two kitties Emo and Easter fixed yesterday. They're almost 2 years old, and we also have another cat, Felicity, 4 who is already fixed. They've been together since Emo and Easter were 8 weeks old, so they know eachother very well, and they get along. But since yesterday...
  13. beautifuldevian

    a question

    I brought Easter and Emo to the vet today to get them fixed. Emo's incision seems to be bleeding a very tiny bit, and Easter keeps trying to lick her incision. Should I be worried? I am afraid that Easter will try to pull out her stitch. Thanks
  14. beautifuldevian

    my kitties

    This is Felicity, the cuddliest cat ever! This is Emo And her twin sister Easter!
  15. beautifuldevian

    Poor kitty

    So, my poor Easter has a cut on her chin. It's not deep, and it's not infected, but she's had it for a couple weeks. I think it's cause she keeps scratching it. Is there anything I can do to keep her from scratching it so it heals? Thanks!
  16. beautifuldevian

    so i bought a feliway mister...

    Ok, so here's the story... we have 4 cats in the house. Felicity is 2, and has been living with us almost all her life, she comes from a past background of abuse. She is fixed, and has her claws. About 6 months ago, my roommates brought home another cat, Peanut. Peanut is a year old,is...
  17. beautifuldevian

    kitten drooling

    Easter is 5 months, and is very healthy. Lately I've noticed that she drools, but only when she's being very affectionate, and when she's cuddling with us, or sleepy. Is this normal or something I should talk to my vet about?
  18. beautifuldevian

    Pet Insurance a life saver!!

    Oh my goodness, we had a real scare with Emo... she snuck into the basement and drank something off of the floor, but we had no idea what. Well, long story short, $400(canadian) worth of vet bills, and two days of gut wrenching fear, and our litle baby is a-ok... Well now we have pet insurance...
  19. beautifuldevian

    Felicity's smacking the kittens

    Felicity is 2 years old, and she has been fixed, we got our 2 kittens, Emo and Easter in late May, and we used all the proper techniques, isolating the kittens from Felicity and using vanilla extract, and rubbing them with a blanket to share the scent. We let the kittens out in July. Sometimes...
  20. beautifuldevian

    Felicity's not gaining weight

    Felicity is about 2 years old, and she's very healthy. She was fixed about 6 months ago, and has recovered wonderfully, she has a good appetite also, but she's not gaining weight! She's only about 5-6 pounds.. but I mean she's TINY!!! Her sides are sort of indented.. you know what I mean...