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  1. A

    1 of our cats ate one of my wifes energy bars that has chocolate!

    We got home from grocery shopping and found that one of the three kittens (not sure which one) got into my wife's bag of energy bars that was up on the kitchen table, managed to rip off the wrapper and eat most of the thing. Cats are 8-9 months old. It's a peanut butter affair called a...
  2. A

    New but not new to cats...

    Todd here.... Longtime owner of cats. I had a russian bleu for 18 years when I was growing up. And several other cats have come into and out of my life for eons. Then later I got some more.... This old guy is Boodgie or "The Boo Man" as he's known. He's 20 years old now and even though...