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  1. P

    Skin problem

    Just a note, it doesn't really look like ringworm.
  2. P

    Skin problem

    Hi everyone, I've just noticed that our new adoptee has small patches (about a quarter inch across) of dry, flakey skin (some of it very dark) on the back of his back legs, just below the joint. One leg is worse than the other. I removed the dead skin gently and the fur came out with it...
  3. P

    Any idea what his breed might be?

    Thanks! It's Basque, it means Francis. We lived in the Basque part of Spain last year. We were thinking of Pintxo (which is Basque for 'tapas') but then when we saw him he was clearly a Patxi.
  4. P

    Any idea what his breed might be?

    I thought so... also known as a 'moggy' in Brit speak!
  5. P

    Any idea what his breed might be?

    Hi everyone, Thanks for the warm welcome I've received so far! Here is a link to some pics of our new furbaby, Patxi: My favourite is the sleepy looking one that shows his fuzzy little face. The vet has listed his breed as 'Korean,' but as far as...
  6. P


    He is adorable (most of the time). His markings are so distinctive! My husband is pretty sure he saw Patxi's father (or mother) on the street near our house. Same ears and back stripe. Same little splotch on his back.
  7. P


    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Here is a link to pictures of Patxi. My favourite is the one where he's clearly just woken up (sorry, can't rotate it for some reason!)
  8. P


    Hi! I'm new to the forum and a new cat owner (we've cat-sat for several months twice before, but this is our first cat-for-keeps) Patxi is nearly one (so says the vet anyway) and he's a former street cat. We adopted him from the animal hospital near our house. So far he seems to be adapting...