Search Results

  1. K

    Can you brush their teeth??

    I know you can brush dogs teeth, but what about cats?? Zoe LOVES getting up close and personal in your face. And holy geez does she get gross breath especially after wet food :S So it makes me wonder if there is any kind of kitty-toothbrush stuff? even to just brush with water. I imagine it...
  2. K

    horizon complete? Other suggestions?

    I'm having a heck of a time finding a decent dry food for the kitties, wet is fine (combo of 'eek bad' friskies chunks thingers and merrick wet canned food), but for dry... It seems nowhere has anything that I see get recommended. So since the SO was always determined to keep them on purina, I...
  3. K

    floyd... likes me? o.0

    Floyd has always been one of those very standoffish cats. BF got him from the shelter at a 4 months old, brought him home, and he would occasionally lay on a lap, but even for the most part, nope. Not a big cuddler/affectionate cat. Mostly laying next to BF on occasion in the morning/once in a...
  4. K

    litterbox 'thumping'

    this has got to be the only thing that actually annoys BF and I about our cats. Floyd, bless his little furry heart, has this 'habit' with his literbox. Or, for that matter, ANY box such as a rubbermaid container used for laundry that he will overturn if its less than half full, take the...
  5. K

    And there will be NO Zoe kittens.

    Zoe was officially spayed yesterday. She was NOT happy about having no food since 6 the night before, and no water since midnight, but well, she dealt. Though I think I was more worried about her all day than she was likely concerned :P The clinic we took her to has you drop them off between...
  6. K

    Zoe's first heat cycle... ack!

    So, we got Zoe about 15 days ago. Seems crazy we've had her for 2 weeks already, but that's besides the point. Due to wonky hours, we weren't able to get her into the vet until the 28th or 29th (its written in my wallet, but regardless) So. She's officially about 6 mos old, healthy, has her...
  7. K

    Massive ammounts of curiousness

    So, being realatively new to cat ownership (usually its roomates who have cats, so their call, but now I live with my boyfriend who has a cat, and we just jointly got a kitten) I'm curious after reading some things up about raw feeding. I'm sorry if there is already something created on this...
  8. K

    The Critters :) *spider images linked only*

    As requested in my intorduction in teh new cats So since I know many people are scared of them, I'm going to just link the photos of my spiders That way those with interest can see them, those that have issues with them don't have to. Now! To get this party started! Tyrus: spider picture...
  9. K

    Ello :)

    Hi folks! Got sent over here from my betta forum. Well, lets see. I'm 20 (well. for another... 9 weeks or so), a painter of houses and businesses (inside and outside), and a nerd/geek/whatever you want to call it. (Video games, randomly searching wildlife and nature facts and random...
  10. K

    Wiggly kitty, Fluffy bum

    First off, I'm terribly sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place or if there is already a topic about it (I just joined and am still working my way through all the pinned topics ect) Adopted a rescue kitten last night. (will be more on that in the behavior area) She's purrfectly sweet, so...