Search Results

  1. S


    In our case, the bone marrow aspiration showed nothing. She was negative on all of the tests, but the vets are saying FeLeuk, so we have begun treatments. There are a couple of other possibilities that we will check out this week, but FeLeuk is the leading suspect right now. You should see if...
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    We have an appointment to see the internist on Friday for a bone marrow aspiration. This is the guy who actually confirmed the hemobartonella diagnosis. I spoke to the vet yesterday with the results of the blood tests, and the results were not very positive. They indicate that in addition to...
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    Our cat Abigail is about two years old. She was diagnosed with Hemobartonellosis in mid December. She was very anemic and jaundiced at the time. She has tested negative for FIV and FeLeuk and in February visited an internist who confirmed the Hemobartonella diagnosis. She also had a sonogram...
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    Senior Cats Web Site

    I just uploaded a new page, so there are now 18 cats on the site! Slowly we are getting there. Now we just need a success story to celebrate. Michael, Nancy, Pouncer, Arly(GA) and Abigail
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    Senior Cats Web Site

    We are saying senior is anything eight years or older. Probably on the lighter side of "senior", but it is certainly an age where it is difficult, if not impossible, to get adopted. We are still in the construction phase, but already have a couple of articles on adopting senior cats and are...
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    Senior Cats Web Site

    Hi everyone! I (with a great deal of help) am putting together a web site for senior cats in need of adoption. These cats are located in shelters throughout the US. We are hoping to get word out to as many people as possible about the site, in hopes that someone with either adopt one (or...