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  1. P

    Pumpkin Sleeping on her own for the first time! Not good..

    Ok sooo we've had our cutie little Manx kitten i dubbed Pumpkin for 2 weeks today. She's been sleeping in my room every night so far with a litter box near my door. Her poop has finally hardened so not so many worries about that now... but last night i let her stay out in the kitchen/living room...
  2. P

    Manx Kitten With Runny Poop!

    Ok, so we took in a stray calico Manx kitten just over a week ago. Talk about my dream kitten! She was a bit thin, face was all bloody & missing a tooth. Think she's between 2 & 3 months. Super friendly & playful, only her poop is runny & sort of a peanut butter color. Not soupy-like, but really...