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  1. J

    Hard decision

    Thanks Darlili! I think they stay with us, and I hope so. My girlfriend told me that Shin Shin came to her in a vivid dream a few nights back...and Shin Shin was petting her in the dream. Coincidentally or not, that was when she got really sick the last time. I'm hoping that my dreams have her...
  2. J

    Hard decision

    Catapault, Thank you for the nice words. I am sorry for your loss, too. I also had that thought about making decisions for a person. I know that happens every day, and I can't imagine it. I made a living will a few years ago, and I think that helps a little. Cats can't make living wills , but...
  3. J

    Hard decision

    Taryn, I'm glad you found something that worked well! My girlfriend basically just dropped off her cat and then went home - it really hurt her to do that. It sounds like you got a very similar experience to mine. I also buried my cat in the yard, and stuck a cat weather vane as a marker. Having...
  4. J

    Hard decision

    Thanks, That was kind of you. I'm doing fine right now - at peace with things. I do have supportive friends and all that, but right now I'm actually doing a lot better than I imagined I would be. Maybe it was the in home euthanasia service I used that really helped with this: I got to see the...
  5. J

    Hard decision

    Thanks Nekoha, and everyone! I am still strangely feeling at peace. I cried really hard the last night, and as we were saying goodbye, and expect that the emotions will come back. But right now it's almost as if Shin Shin (pronounced Sheen Sheen) is still taking care of me, sending me calm...
  6. J

    Hard decision

    Thanks Otto, that was very generous of you to say, and it is appreciated!
  7. J

    Hard decision

    Thank you Hissy. Yes, today it was pretty clear that it was time. Thanks Blueyed, I appreciate it. She was beautiful inside and out, sweet, and unbelievably gentle and considerate. Even non-cat people fell in love with her. She will be missed terribly, but it was her time and she was no longer...
  8. J

    Hard decision

    Luvmyparker and LDG, thanks for the nice words and encouragement, I appreciate it!
  9. J

    Hard decision

    Taryn, Thanks so much for the nice words, and I hope you are doing well too. I had that thought today - that there are thousands of others today having to make the same decision. I was glad to have it done in my home, rather than dropping the cat off at the vet. Here are a few images...
  10. J

    Hard decision

    Thanks Kallie! I cried and cried last night and this morning, but right now I'm very much at peace with the decision and not nearly as broken up about it as I was before. She was in so much pain, and so aloof, which she never was when healthy. A couple of friends stopped by to say goodbye, and...
  11. J

    Hard decision

    Thanks everyone for supporting me last night. As everyone told me, when the time is right, the decision is pretty clear. Today my cat was no longer her normal affectionate self, weaker than usual, and wanting to be by herself. I knew. I called a vet who specializes in euthanizing pets, and we...
  12. J

    Hard decision

  13. J

    Hard decision

    Thanks Stephanie! Great guidance...
  14. J

    Hard decision

    My cat just came back and hopped on my lap, and is so content right now. This is really hard... Humans, unless they are receiving painkillers , aren't so affectionate when they are in pain.
  15. J

    Hard decision

    Great advice. And I know seeking me out might be affection, but also might just be comfort. She is eating and using the litter pan; but she is tired. Intellectually I know, emotionally I resist. She has been the sweetest, most considerate cat, and even in her last days continues to be that...
  16. J

    Hard decision

    Thanks LDG and Jen! I definitely want nature to take its course, and to wait for the right time. I think the low red blood cell issue makes my decision more imminent - her body attacking the blood cells and weakening her. Though tonight she suddenly seems (a little) more active, and is eating...
  17. J

    Hard decision

    Thanks Kailie! I know, I haven't quite gotten to the point of picking up the phone and going forward with that decision, but I know that's the right one. My cat doesn't help any by being affectionate and the same sweet cat she has always been. But I don't want her to suffer, and I know I have...
  18. J

    Hard decision

    It was great to be able to get some feedback and nice words from you guys. For those who haven't seen my previous post, I have a 18 year old cat. We've been in and out of the vet's office for over a year. She has: Kidney disease High blood pressure Hyperthyroidism Dental disease She's also...
  19. J

    Need help: 18 year old cat lethargic, antibiotic?

    Just after I posted this, got bad news from the vet - cat's red blood cell count is the reason she has crashed. Apparently it was a pretty dramatic crash from the previous blood panel. Albium levels are low, meaning she's susceptible to dehydration. Vet wasn't optimistic, said steroid treatment...
  20. J

    Need help: 18 year old cat lethargic, antibiotic?

    Carolina, Sure, thanks for asking. This should lay it out there: She takes a blood pressure medication, in form of a treat. She takes thyroid medication, in form of a treat. She is eating Royal Canin LP food to address her kidney disease. The kidney disease hasn't progressed since she was...