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  4. G

    Rescue Kitten Stella

    Thanks all. Addie, I'm not sure about the collar, I was going to ask her about that. She goes to a different vet than mine who may still be suggesting them instead of the spot-on treatments. On the other hand it could just be a collar that's sitting a little weird on her, as she is...
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    Spiders (with pics)

    haha, probably not, but relocating just opens the prime real estate up to new ones, so I just do my best to keep a spider-free path for GF to get in the house. I don't care if they're there at all, the light attracts all sorts of bugs other than them that they keep out of the house
  6. G

    Spiders (with pics)

    I've tried; they all come right back! GF's dad works night shifts, so their porch light is the brightest light in the area all night and it's like a beacon to the damn things... lol
  7. G

    Rescue Kitten Stella

    Hi all, some of you may remember a couple weeks ago I posted on the rescue forum about the kitten that my GF and I found abandoned in the road one night. Well, here are a couple pictures of little Stella, not only alive and well but happily on her way to being spoiled rotten by her new mommy...
  8. G

    Question of the day, Friday, Sept 24th

    When I have the money, I'd LOVE to take my GF to Ireland for a week or so. Went there with my chamber choir for an international competition my senior year of HS, and it's the most gorgeous place I've ever been in my life.
  9. G

    Spiders (with pics)

    I'm familiar with most of your spiders; they're the bane of my existence, as my arachnophobic girlfriend's house is infested with them... OP's spider looks like an orb weaver for sure. we've got one of those that has decided she likes to make HUGE webs- right across the top of the stairs onto...
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    So hurt by dad

    Ugh, sounds exactly like my girlfriend's family... She's the only one who does anything at her house and her dad and sisters still treat her as if she's lazy and incompetent on a daily basis. Her dad is refusing to replace their dead dryer because he wants her to have to watch her grandmother...
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    Question of the Day Wednesday Sept 15

    I'm not too fond of cooking day-to-day for myself, but when it comes to cooking for other people I love it. My friends all love my stir-fry, which I make with udon rice noodles, chicken, teriyaki sauce, and a ton of different veggies depending on everyone's personal preferences. I'm also...
  12. G

    Advise on what to do with a found kitten?

    Thanks guys. We still haven't heard from the shelters or gotten any response to our search in the neighborhood where we found her, so we've officially called her abandoned (though how anyone could abandon such a sweetie as her is quite beyond me.) She went home with her new mommy today, the...
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    It's A Secret

    My little Buddha is guilty of this... He's always finding new places to hide. I still haven't found all of them. Thankfully I'm confident enough that I keep the house closed up tight so that I don't worry he's outside somehow, so I just wait a few hours for him to wake up and re-appear...
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    They've lost their minds...

    Far from it, practically a NEW moon tonight! Storm rolling in perhaps? Changes in air pressure sent my kitties off when they were younger...
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    cats from your past...

    I grew up with four cats. Elwood, a grey tiger shorthair, was my mom's first cat when she and my dad got our house, along with his brother Jake who passed before I was born. Sam and Dave were brothers that my mom got as kittens from some kids down the street who owned the mama cat. Dave was...
  16. G

    Advise on what to do with a found kitten?

    Hi all, just wanted to get some opinions while I do what I can to help this poor little girl. Last night on our way home from her grandma's, my girlfriend and I almost hit a little black kitten in the middle of a busy road near her house. I stopped in time, but she just froze in the street and...
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    Brain Teaser!

    Well, the logical reason is that one girl took an apple from someplace other than the basket... Or am I oversimplifying? lol Edit- Unless the last girl took the basket with the last apple inside it?
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    Your Daily Awww

    Adorable! Thanks for sharing!
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    Daily Question: Tues. Sept. 7th

    "All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost." ~J.R.R. Tolkien, one of the greatest writers, linguists and philosophers of his time.
  20. G

    Question of the Day, Sept. 5th

    I couldn't stand history, not because I was bored by it, but because I couldn't remember the detailed information that I needed to for the tests. When you focus on the details so much you often lose sight of the bigger pictures, and I think that's why I don't remember much from modern history...