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  10. 2

    Kitty at 1 year old: what she learned

    I always marvel at the amount of resources, books, programs for puppy/dog training, and so little focused on cats. What a shame! General consensus is cats can't be trained, they're so independent. Course, breeders highly train their cats for shows, but they seem to imply that's because they're...
  11. 2

    climbing on counters & getting in cabinets!

    It didn't bother me that they did it, someone on a midnight raid left the pantry door open (me). I never ever ever open a bag of kibble regardless of how else I might "safely" store it, because it breaks the vacuum pack, and the fats once the O2 hits... begin to degrade...the damage begins...
  12. 2

    OK to play with plastic grocery bags?

    Like anything including PLASTIC cat toys which are routinely chewed to smithereens you have to keep an eye on it from time to time. Cats are not fragile stupid creatures. All the cats I've had over all the years I have under my belt, all the chewing, no one has ever had a problem with...
  13. 2

    Do cats like to chew on certain types of grass?

    We have some of those too, and when they blow off they are everywhere. Short of vacuuming Mother Nature into oblivion these and other such grasses can't be avoided and in most cases don't cause problems. SInce cats groom themselves they end up OK, but if you also bursh and inspect your pet after...
  14. 2

    climbing on counters & getting in cabinets!

    I can sympathize. Perhaps our experience can help. Our kittens climbed cabinets, silk curtains, bookcases, and then - the clothes in our two walk-in closets. Not the house/yard/informal clothing mind you, but my pure silk dresses and his best suits. They got into the sink, the cabinets, the...
  15. 2

    Do cats like to chew on certain types of grass?

    For some reason both my cats rarely sample the Pet Grass (wheatgrass) that we traditionally purchased. They love Pennesetum (the one we have is purple fountain grass). But I make sure they get to it only when I have not recently treated with plant food etc. So I have about 10 plants so I can...
  16. 2

    Can You Ever Have Too Many Toys?

    Baby Soleste definitely didn't think so!
  17. 2

    What raw foods work for you?

    One of the problems in trying to find then missing replies is I end up gabbing a lot elsewhere! The vets did not recommend raw to Baby while she had bloody "dire-rear" when they did not know the cause(s). They did not find anything despite repeated tests, and more tests, so we were in a...
  18. 2

    Insight on Leash Training

    I also would advise against taking to a Park, just leashed, as all cats I have had with leashes managed - if they somehow got into a flat out panic - usually something they heard or smelled before I did - to get out of the leash no matter how well-fitted or tight, and we'd tighten real good...
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    Insight on Leash Training

    When we have to travel and need to stretch out legs, it's usually a park and they are terrified of the smells. We are getting a cat-pet stroller so we can take them with us when we want to take a walk. And hook them into the stroller from their harnesses. The one we like is a Jeep. Baby...
  20. 2

    Question of the Day Wed Sept 1

    We have a thing about breakfast in this house, it is by far the most special meal of the day. Whether it's 4 or 5am or later, no one is allowed to skip it. Why? If you skip a home meal, you're going to be buying something e.g., at work, and it likely is made with high fructcose, hydrogenated...