Search Results

  1. C

    Scampers throwing up

    Our girl kitty Scampers gave us a scare. Last Wed nite one of our 3 inside cats was throwing up, but we did not know which one. Then Thurs morning (I'm at work) my husband sees Scampers throw up and it is liquid that is dark, the color of her food. He saw her eat and then she threw up what...
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    Pilling a Cat and not just Any Cat

    I did not know which board to post this on so if you need to move me thats ok. Anyway I have 3 outside cats, they all started as ferals but now can be petted and live in my garage. They do not like to be picked up. My problems is they have tapeworms and I called the vet he will let me pick up...
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    Trapping in a parking lot

    Hello Everyone, I have trapped ferals in my yard with no problem. My problem is the best way to trap in a Parking Lot, Walmart to be exact. Yesterday afternoon going into Walmart I see what looks to be a kitten looking at me from under a car, maybe 4 months old. I go into Walmart found an...
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    No More Pictures

    Hey, I said no more pictures! I look like a wet cat! Finally got it take a look below
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    Which water fountain?

    I was thinking about a water fountain for the kitties. Has anyone tried these two? and how do you like or dislike them? Thanks, Clara
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    Another Feral

    Hello Everyone, Another feral showed up 3 days ago. And of course I have been leaving out food. Since I go into work when it is dark and get home when it is dark, I have not been able to get a good look at it. It is a gray short hair, older looking cat and very afraid of people. I will be...
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    Cats waking you

    We have 3 indoor cats and only one will sleep with you. Because the cats start running and playing at midnight, I wear earplugs to bed some nights. Well last night I had my earplugs in and Nemo was sleeping with me and at 1am he woke me up trying to pull the earplug out of my left ear . The...
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    got to have one

    Look what Fiesta Ware has: Clara
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    Blackie not neutered?

    Back in July I posted that I traped Blackie, my outside feral cat and had him neutered. Well I have been looking at him lately and everything looks to still be there He let me and my husband check him out and feels like everything is still there. Which puts another question in my mind. A week...
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    Swollen Lip

    I will be taking BK to the Vet in the morning. Reason being his bottom lip looks like he has a blister and swollen. I wanted to ask if anyone else's cat has had this problem. Also, here is what BK has been doing. We have two kittens and they are 5 months old. BK thinks he is their mother...
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    Cat diet

    A funny to watch, Screw this diet
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    New again with pics

    BK aka Bad Kitty just back from the groomer. He is 16 months old and seems to have some Main Coon in him.
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    Pictures Finally!

    BK before his haircut. He likes to sit like this in the sewing room under the dress form.
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    What are your hobbies

    Just wanted to find out what everyone's hobbies are? My husband and I are members in a 1860 Living History Group. We go to Events throughout the year and "go back to the years of the Civil War 1860 to 1864" But to do this I Sew, that is my hobby. I sew all our clothes, dresses, bloomers...
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    URI never knew

    The last few days BK was acting like he had a hairball that needed to come up. He quit eating, kept swallowing, gaging, not sleeping, would only sit up not lay down, did not want you to touch him. I took him to the Vet this morning and he has an URI. He got a shot and oral medicine to take...
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    How long to Cats stay Mad

    Our cat BK's favorite room was the laundry room. Sliding glass door to view outside, clean clothes to sleep on in the laundry basket (he will not sleep on dirty clothes). Then about 3 weeks ago I took the outside feral female, Scrappy to be spayed. She needed a quiet, undistrubed place for 48...
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    Sick Feral

    Hello, I posted two weeks ago when I caught my black feral,Blackie and took him in to be neutered. I noticed this Saturday that his hair looks bad, scabby, hair loss and thin hair. His left eye is half closed and draining and on the left side of his head (old battle scare)has an open sore. I...
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    Cat's Offspring.....

    FYI, One female cat's offspring can equal over 4 million cats over the course of her lifetime Just think about it...If everyone would take one feral cat and have it spayed or neutered, you are saving lives. You will not see those sick or injuried cats coming to your door and whatever else...
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    Feral #2 caught

    Hello, It's me again. Scrappy, feral cat was fixed last Tuesday and she is doing well. I was talking to the Humane Society and they let me borrow a live trap to catch the other feral cats. So Saturday I set the live trap, and since I had not feed Blackie for 2 days he was trapped in just...
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    Caging Feral tonight

    Hello, Wish me luck in catching my female feral tonight. I talked with the Humane Society in my area to have her fixed. I told them if I can catch her I will bring her in Tuesday morning. They told me no problem and if I could not catch her to try again next week. I feel like I can, since I...