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  1. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    Long time no update. Things are seeming grim for Pepper. I'm at my wits end. Pepper has been getting 200 ML a day since my last post but that doesn't seem abnormal based off what I've read for these conditions? She's not getting it tomorrow so we'll see how she does... But when she first...
  2. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    Dunno about calorie content or whatnot, but I compared the labels on A/D to FF when I first got it and the protein count in FF is actually higher. I'm not going to suggest that Hills A/D is inferior by any means but it's too expensive for what you get. Pepper's taking Lasix or furosemide now...
  3. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    I brought both of those diseases up to the vet on Friday and she went about her method of treatment. Hepatic Lipidosis was always the most common answer we all could come up with in our heads at the beginning considering blood tests/urinalisis never showed anything otherwise. Without a primary...
  4. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    No, the vet didn't give Pepper meds for the vomiting. Her vomiting is very sparce at best so I'm not sure if the vet didn't think it was necessary or if she's just starting out with the current medication or whatnot. The last time Pepper vomited was on Friday night after the first day of the...
  5. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    Oh, sorry. I probably worded that wrong. I meant 200 ML a day, with that total being split up in half and given daily. 100 ML at a time and all. I am sorry to hear that about your kitty. S/He's surely put up a good fight and has fulfilled her/his purpose in your life. I hope that they will not...
  6. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    It's 0.9% Sodium Chloride for dehydration. I don't know if that makes any difference or not but I don't think the vet would administrate it if it were going to do any harm... One bag should last her 5 days, the vet also said. This feline CRF website lists a cat that took 200 ML a day...
  7. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    200 ML a day, I believe. Twice daily. I was not told about a cat bag, just that she could be wrapped up in a towel when we were administering the needle. It's looking like we probably won't be able to do it by ourselves with how fiesty she is. She definitely has a lot of pep left in her...
  8. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    Don't really know the size but I see 18 x 1A on the side of the needle cap so I guess it's about the same size as yours. Cat bag..? Are you talking about the fluid bag?
  9. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    Aww, thank you otto! Pepper's trip to the vet today covered a lot. I love her regular vet so much. We did a run down on everything and with the previous tests, and chronic renal failure is out. We're basically narrowing it down to a liver problem, with the liver/jaundice issues causing the...
  10. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    Pepper has an appt set for 9:15 AM in the morning with her regular vet with the records from seven weeks ago being sent over fax tonight. If her condition worsens to that of an emergency overnight, we'll have to pay a fee but overnight response can be set up so that's at least comforting. After...
  11. D

    Sick cat in liver treatment

    Hi - I was hoping to gain some information. Anything at all would be acceptable, really. This story may get a little TL;DR, I'm sorry! My 11 year old cat, Pepper, has been sick a little over seven weeks. During the period of May 27th until June 6th, I was out of town, leaving her in the care...