Search Results

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    Cat staying home alone

    I would like to ask if anyone here has experience of leaving the cat home alone for 3 ~ 4 days. Reason: We're going to be away from home (to bf's parents house) during the weekend for Christmas and our roommate would be gone too. We would bring our cat along with us but: - She's super timid...
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    Got the test results back

    So I finally got the appointment with an allergist and did the testing for allergies. Yesterday I got the test results back, found out that I have Class 6 allergy to cat dander I've switched from loratadine to Cetirizine, which I think is helping me a lot more, and the doctor put me on QVAR...
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    Cat Sitter

    Have anyone here used a cat sitter before? Where do you find a reliable cat sitter? How much do they usually cost? We're going to be on vacation end of October and the person who will be feed my cat is going to be gone too for a week, I don't really know anyone who can take care of my cat...
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    So it's been a hectic month with the surgery and vet visits. But she's finally a happy girl now, super needy, which is a surprise because she used to be so scared of people and runs away all the time. Thank you all for the great advices and helped me through this long process. My allergies...
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    Tape Worm

    I want to ask if it's safe to give my cat this tape worm medicine? She was a stray and after I took her in I had the vet to check for worms. I was told they didn't see worms but gave her a wormer just in case. Few days later, and I've been...
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    Rescued a stray cat

    Hi, I'm new here, apologies if this is posted in the wrong section & super long post. I lived in an apartment complex where there are lots of stray cats, and I've been feeding them for the past year. Few weeks ago, I noticed there was a huge wound the side of one of them but she ran away...