Search Results

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    Does your cat eating vegetables?

    Don't put your cat on an all-vegetarian diet. Cats need protein to survive.
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    Helping Ferals - Socialization, Trapping and Low-cost or Free Spay/Neuter Resources!

    Hello, Just wanted to share with you some info on spaying & neutering. First Coast No More Homeless Pets in Jacksonville FL has a LOW COST/NO COST Spay & Neuter program. They also participate in the Trap-Neuter-Release for feral cats. For more info go to
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    New Kitten Diarreah

    Make sure your kitten is getting enough water because they can become very dehydrated quickly. Also never just switch a cat's food. You must gradually change it by mixing the old 3/4 to new food 1/4 over about a weeks time. My little midnight had this for about a month. We finally put him on a...
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    Prevent your cat from biting hands or feet in play by never teasing him with these parts of your body.
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    If your cat gets chewing gum stuck in her fur...

    If your cats gets gum stuck in her fur, try rubbing a bit of peanut butter into her fur to remove it. If that fails carefully clip it out.
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    Helping Ferals - Socialization, Trapping and Low-cost or Free Spay/Neuter Resources!

    First Coast No More Homeless Pets. Low/no cost spay/neuter.
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    Anyone got a suggestion for a cat dish?

    I use the saucers from my dishes. They work very well and I didn't have to spend a dime.
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    Cat furr shedding

    Cats are shedding their winter coats right now.
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    What does your cat love?

    My cat Ally loves her treats!
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    I heard Charlie snoring..

    My older cat Tiger is under my bed snoring right now.