Search Results

  1. L

    Urine Nation!

    My bengal Toby has developed a pee issue. We're in a four cat house and I'm thinking he's stressing out a little. The top of the couch is the victim. Nothing like a relaxing evening on a pee couch. Sigh. I've ordered some Feliway. Here's hoping that helps. Vet appointment to be scheduled...
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    Feline Acne

    Two of my cats have this, how is it best treated?
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    Sick Kitty

    Original symptoms: -Loosing weight -Sqeezing poop results in small rabbit turds -Throws up after, perhaps from the stress of poopin Taken to the vet, put on medication for bladder infection. New symptoms: -Lethargic -Sleeping on heat vent all day -Not eating/drinking Obviously she needs...
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    Advice for Finding a Job (kitty related)

    Hello Due to unfortunate events I've found myself to be unemployed. The only experience I have is working in a brewery/factory and I'm not really wanting to do the factory thing again. Aside from that I've working a couple of coffee shops and restaurants. Not the most outstanding resume...
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    Supermodel Kitty

    I found Sasha lying asleep on the couch in this position. Note that her hind legs are crossed in a very lady-like fashion.
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    Digicam REBORN!!!

    The triumphant return of my digital camera!!! My first picture, my sleepy boy Howard. A game I play with Toby. I hide under the tree and he runs to whatever side he thinks I'm under. Sometimes he'll hide too. Chillin'
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    The Death of my DigiCam

    So I was out on one of my bad spending binges and decided to get Toby a new toy. It was only $15 and that's a good thing, because it only amused him for about....oh.....five minutes. Each subsiquent time I turn it on his amusement lasts about one minute. Here he is doing his initial circle...
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    Kitty vs Man

    I've been planning and dreaming about my own cattery for a couple of years now. I've been reading books, plotting layouts and generally educating myself for the day when I have my own place to make my plans a reality. Then of course I meet someone. Someone who is allergic to cats. Each day...
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    Moron Ahoy!

    The following is an excerpt from a thread on another forums pet section. I can't believe this guy is planning on leaving his cat and dog for TWELVE DAYS while on vacation. His original question for the post was "will my dog eat my cat" ONLY 12 days!!! And then his reply to the obvious answer...
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    Post pictures of you desk! [56k nein!]

    Hey, I know lots of us have digital cameras and love to use them. So I was just curious, what does your desk area look like? Bonus points if you can get your kitty in the shot! Usually my area is a bit messier but I cleaned today Here's my desk. As you can see it's not even a desk, but my...
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    "Cat Milk"

    I saw Whiskas cat milk product in the store and I thought my kitties might like it. I poured a small amount for my two cats. Howard started lapping it up but started making weird smacky lip faces. It almost looked like it wasn't tasting good, but he was compelled to drink it anyways. Or that...
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    Tobykinz (a million bengal pics)

    These are my initial installment. I'm sure I'll return with many more photoshoots in the future. Toby with my ex's cat: As a kitten On his scratching post Playing fetch! With his friend: With his *real* friend, Howard: Playing: Aww! Last one today!
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    Seeing Red!

    I was on a different message board and this guy comes along with this thread: "I have a persian cat about a year old, he was not castrated. He is allowed to roam freely where ever he wants but up until now he was kind of reluctant to wander out of our yard, now suddenly he dissappeared for an...
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    Kitty Anxiety

    I moved home with my parents at the end of July and brought home my year old bengal Toby. Already at home were my other cat Howard and my sisters cat Sasha. I did the introductions gradually, but Sasha wanted no part of it. Things took time between the boys, but gradually they warmed to each...
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    Aggressive Behaviour

    My cat Sifto is a generally laid back kinda guy. But lately when a certain friend of ours comes to our apartment he has been attacking him. He has attacked people in the past but it has generally been people who admit they don't like cats and have been patronising or teasing him. Nikko...
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    Anal Leakage...?

    My cat Howard lives with my parents in the country. They've been complaining about his "ass problems" for a while now but because I only go home once a week or so, I haven't been able to really observe what has been happening. Some background information... Here's Howard. I adopted him...
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    Kitty Crush

    This isn't really a question, more of an anecdote. One day we were on a neighbours balcony and he says "omg your cat is out on top of the veranda" (the roof thingy covering the front lobby. I live on the third floor, one story above this landing). We ran home to make sure our cat was safe...
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    Whiskas = Kitty Crack

    I feed my cats Waltham's Duck and Rice. I have to get it from the vet so it's not as easy to pick up a bag when I run out. My boyfriend picked up an interim bag of Whiskas. Now that they are back to the ol' Walthams they are on strike eating only what they need to survive, meowing and begging...
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    Kitty pix

    I need an outlet for my kitty pictures. I'm sure you understand. So humour me! lol. Here's some new pictures. I posted this one earlier but with the wrong link. So here's another try. You'll notice a theme with all my pictures. They all take place on the cat tree with this ugly green...
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    New Breeder Etiquitte

    I decided about a year ago that in the future I will start a small cattery. I've read as much as I can find, but I still feel extremely intimidated. I went to my first cat show a few weeks ago and I was in awe. So many beautiful cats. So many people seemed to know each other already. They...