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  1. S

    Just need to talk

    Thank you to all of you who have helped me tonight. I appreciated it more than you will ever know. Thank you!!!!!! Please don't Pm me now though...I am going back to my normal username here so I won't see it. But thanks for caring...I love you all!!!!! You all have helped me so very very...
  2. S

    Just need to talk

    Oh Shell, no you weren't rude!!!! I have always thought alot of you and what you said to me just now is true...I don't think very highly of myself after being put down so many many years by first my mother then the two men I married....I am ready to give up...I am starting to think there is no...
  3. S

    Just need to talk

    Thank you Carrie for what you said. And thanks Jan for what you said also. I am just so hurt and confused...he is so sarcastic with me, and treats me like I am such a disappointment to him...I just want to be happy for ONCE in my life!!! But there are reasons I can't just walk out and leave....I...
  4. S

    Just need to talk

    Thank you Lola...I will go read your Pm right now.
  5. S

    Just need to talk

    Thank you Jan. I just don't know anymore...I just can't do it anymore...I can't afford to live without him, but this is no kind of life for me...I'm so tired of hurting.......
  6. S

    Just need to talk

    I just think I deserve better....but maybe not. I am a good wife...I cook, clean, etc...don't cheat on him....what in the heck am I doing wrong???? can someone please tell me??????????
  7. S

    Just need to talk

    I need to talk really, really bad and I can't use my real username here for reasons I can't go into. (That have nothing to do with this site.) I am so disillusioned (sp???) with life in tired of trying to make this marriage work. Please, if you think you...