Search Results

  1. S

    Transfer Overseas???

    Me and my long term BF are thinking of going to New Zeland for a couple of years (in a couple of years). I have 4 beautiful little furr babbies that I wouldn't dream of leaving behind for that long, but I have no clue as to how I would take them with us. One of them I know for a fact would have...
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    I just don't know what to do...

    My little fur baby Hobo (a long haired calico mongrel with one eye (lost in an accedent when she was a kitten, long since healed)) has been acting strange lately. The biggest clue it to me is that she's gotten a heck of a lot more aggresive , not only with myself (taking out a chunk of my...
  3. S

    It's About Hobo... I don't know what to do!

    Some info about Hobo first... She was born last may and right now she only has one eye. It was removed when a sliver of glass got caught in her eye and managed to pop it. She is in perfect health right now, and just last week I took her for a full check up and she came out with a bill of clean...
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    You know I don't ask a lot ;)

    I just wanted to know if anyone could tell me why one of my girls threw up yesterday. She only did it once, and hasen't done it since... so I'm wondering if she's ok... ~ Salem
  5. S

    *laughing evily* Yes I finaly have pictures of my furballs!!!! come take a look!

    One by one I will post them for you... almost 40+ pictures... hee hee hee ~ Salem
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    *snickers* Hi everyone!!

    Yes I am new as well, but this is the first time I've been in the "newbie" forum. So.... Let me tell ya a little about myself. First off I have 7 cats. Yeah I know lot of cats, But I love every single one of them. Vagabond is my baby girl. She's a short haired mutt with black and white...
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    How Do You Add Images To Your Signature???

    I kind of want to know... you know the HTML thats in my signature... I want that to e a picture... but I can't seem to figure out how to do it... any sugestions? (( Yes I've tried toing the whole (IMG)url(/img), but with the square brakets... )) ~ Salem
  8. S

    What is up with my cats?!?!?!?!

    Ok every day I wake up and I'm covered in cats. I go and have my shower, and right after all of my 7 cat's jump into the still damp bathtub to have a 5 min snooze. Then they follow me into the kitchen where I give them fresh water and food. The thing that confuses me is that NONE of the cats...
  9. S

    Problem wiht a kitten... what should I do?

    One of my kittens ((Hobbit)) has started having some eye troubles. His eyes are cleare but a yellowish fluid is coming off them, kind of like his eyes are snot-ing. I have an apointment to bring him to the vet tomorrow, but I just wanted to see if any of you guys have any ideas on what might...
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    Um... question!

    I want to put an imahe into my signature... how do I do that? ~ Salem
  11. S

    Acana or not Acana?

    Hey everyone it's me again... I recently put my kittens and their mother on a food brand called Acana. I've read up on it, but I need to know what your guy's opinion on it. ((Keep in mind I'm in canada... I wish I could get some of the food you guys do)) Acana this is the site for the food. I...
  12. S

    Worried about my Litte Hobo....

    My kitten Hobo went to the vet a few days ago, because her eye poped. That's right... I said Poped. The doctor said it was because a peice of glass... just a small mineute granule, was worked into her eye when she was just a week old. It's been slowly working it's way until about 5 days ago it...
  13. S

    *ACK* Not again!!!

    I have 5 beautiful darling kittens, all just over 4 weeks old. Now My problem is this... They use the litter box to pee it... But the rest of the house is fair game for pooping in. Help????? How do I stop this travesty?!?!?! ((Besides that cleaning the carpets is costing me a fortune!)) ~ Salem
  14. S

    Another question about kittens...

    One of my little ones enjoys eating the kitty litter from the adult cat box... Um is this normal??? ~ Salem
  15. S

    Litter box bandit!

    My 4 month old kitten Hobo has a habit of clawing the sides of the litter box. She does it right after she's done her thing, and the thing that concerns me is that she does it no matter were she is or what litter box she's using ((there are 5 in the house)). Any ideas? ~ Salem
  16. S

    Little help with the little ones...

    I have 5 kittens and they seem to have the whole walking thing down pat. Their about 3 weeks old now, eyes open and everything, and another thing they seem to have learned is how to climb . Anyways, I need to know how and when I should litter train them, because I have never had to deal with...
  17. S

    Question about my kittens...

    I have 5 little angels now, and I'm having a little trouble. They all seem to know how to walk around... and the problem is that their pooping all over the place. I don't know how to stop it! I've tried sitting in the same room as them so that way when they do decided to poop I can put them in...
  18. S


    OK my baay girl Vagabond is VERRY pregnant... I mean she looks like a snake that swallowed a rabit... anyways, she won't seem to be quiet unless I'm petting her, and she attacked one of my other cats ((2 month old female)) no less than 20 min ago. She's ready to pop and I wanted to know if this...
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    My Kitten!!!!!!

    She is soooooo cute!!! today I was playing magic the gathering with a friend of mine, and she wandered onto the playing feild and decided to fall asleep on almost all the cards! I said to my friend "I spend all my manna and summon the uber kitty, to sleep on the game... until she is awake...
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    *grining* My baby said her first words today!!!!!

    My 2 month old kitten Hobo ((female long haired, brown/black/orange/white)) Said her first word today!!! It was "Meoooow...".... I think it was because I took her away from my spagetti dinner... ?_? Salem