Search Results

  1. L

    High Calcium Level... Please don't let it be cancer

    we took spivey (9) to the vet this week because I had noticed that she's been drinking more water than usual over the last month or so. she had a full exam, doctor felt nothing unusual and she didn't seem dehydrated (skin snapped back well, eyes looks good). the vet just called back with her...
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    Do I dare venture into Fancy Feast territory?

    our oldest (spivey), is 9. she is a dry-only eater, and has proven very resistant to all attempts to get her to eat canned food. i've tried many. she will eat 'real' meat, such as chicken, ground beef, ham (i know ), as a matter of fact, she LOVES meat. but on the canned food... nuh uh...
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    Stopping Phenobarbital

    i have an almost 3 year old (marvin) who has been on phenobarbital since about 6-7 months of age. marvin's seizures began the day after his neuter surgery. after many tests and an ultrasound (to rule out disease, parasites, liver shunt), he was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy and prescribed...
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    Dr. Bronner's soap safe to use AROUND cats?

    I like to be as 'green' as possible, and have been cleaning around the house with baking soda, vinegar and water for as long as I can remember. I feel good about the natural aspects of my cleaning regimen, but must admit that I feel I could do better with a little boost of soap. Oh okay, I...
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    What is a 'normal' poop w/high protein food?

    Over the last month I've transitioned my cats (ages 2,4 & 9) from Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul dry to Wellness Core dry. It was gradual, I mixed the two with more and more Wellness each day, over the course of 2 weeks. They're now eating total Wellness Core dry. The 2 & 4 yr olds...
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    Can your cat see him/herself in mirror?

    I've always wondered about this... one of my cats can obviously see his reflection in the mirror, and his eyes follow any movement going on behind him while looking in the mirror. My other two cats, as well as my much loved late kitty, did not react to or follow ANY movement in the mirror...
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    Does anyone else have a cat that sits like this?

    Does anyone else have a cat that sits like this? You would think I caught him mid-action, like maybe he was getting down off the couch, but no. Marvin sits like this, on sofa ends, on stairs, any bi-level surfaces he can find, sometimes for 20 minutes or more at a time. haha! so goofy!
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    Please give me some hope! Vaccination Lump

    My 2 year old kitty was vaccinated for rabies with an adjuvanted killed virus. Two weeks after, I discovered a small lump at the vaccination site (rear right leg). I'm aware of the dangers of VAS, but got enough feedback that said it will most likely go down on it's own in time, that we...