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  1. L

    How did you know it was time?

    I've not posted about my furkids in a little while. To be honest things have been rough... and this is an understatement. Isabell my eldest who was diagnosed with CRF has been not doing well. She has gone steadily downhill starting about April. I've not really posted about it because I've been...
  2. L

    I just need to vent... *long*

    ...with some anonymity to be honest. I guess the story starts back in August. This mainly about my job. If you have read some of my posts you might remember that I work in a call center handling inbound calls. The call center I work for has one client, a cell phone company for the sake of this...
  3. L

    Do you have an allergy that you absolutely HATE?

    So the thread is just kind of a poll/question to the board. Just kind of a random question that popped into my head. Do you have an allergy that you absolutely HATE? I'll start first, I am allergic to tomatoes. If I eat something with tomato in it I get skin rashes and itch all over. It really...
  4. L

    Isie and EG, when meowmy can't sleep in (this morning)

    So I couldn't sleep worth anything last night. I went to bed at like 1 and woke up at 6am wired and never could settle back down. But I took pictures! With my cell phone... so not so great pictures. This is Isabell, this is the PERFECT shot of her personality: EG *cues western music*
  5. L

    Baby gate successful to restrain cats..

    So we got a baby gate to help the kitties feel more secure in the bedroom. The only problem is... they refuse to jump over the gate. The gate we bought was the lowest one and its about 30 inches tall. It's not a high gate by any standard. This is a problem because we originally bought the gate...
  6. L

    So we got a puppy... and we have 2 resident cats.

    Here name is Sadie and she is officially a terrier mix, guessed to be medium size by the vet. Sadie is about 10 weeks, old and her story is pretty typical. She wandered into a family's yard who had 3 very big dogs. Being awesome people they took her in, straight to the vet and treated her fleas...
  7. L

    Cold ears

    This is probably really silly but.. My elder kitty Isabell, who just turned 18 sits by the sliding door religiously. Because of the colder temperatures outside this means the spot by the door is cold. Now she has blankets and kitty beds by the door which keep her paws warm but her ears are...
  8. L

    I got him to play!

    This is probably a silly post but I got my super skittish kitty who is 12 years to finally play, with ME. You see in effort to keep Isabell active I've been playing the dangle string game with her for about 30 minutes each day. Well last night before Isabell pounced on it, EG did. He swatted a...
  9. L

    She decided she likes kitty beds after 16 years...

    This is kind of amusing to me. Well I've got 2 cats. I originally had bought a kitty bed for Isie when we first got her. She hated the thing. Never used it. In fact it got put in a closet because she hated it so much. Well when we got EG we busted out the kitty bed to see if her would like it...
  10. L

    For those of you who have cat trees..

    On the carpeted covered trees is there usually wood under the carpet? I have some picky scratchers in this house. I've had a cat tree before and they dislike scratching on that carpet despite loving to pull up carpet on the floor... They also hate sisal. However I used to have a desk with...
  11. L

    Not coming out to eat.

    Alright so I have two cats, that are pretty old. The eldest Isie is 17, and was recently diagnosed with CRF. Isie will no longer come out of hiding to eat. I've tried all of our calling sounds. I've tried waving the food a few meters away. I used to be able to just make a kissy noise and they...
  12. L

    Hello from Isie and EG (and me!)

    Hey, my name is Lisa and I'm a 24-year-old part-time college student with a full-time job that consists of answering the phones for a phone company. I have two cats, and they are pretty old these days but I still love them to pieces. Since they were both strays orginally they are pretty...
  13. L

    Picky old cats (17 and 12 yrs)

    Hello, This is my first post but I'm ooking for some advice on older cats. I've had these two since they were kittens and over the years we tried many foods, but we settled on Science Diet dry food mainly because they are so picky. This worked for many years.. Well recently the older one Isie...