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  1. F

    Help: Bringing home kitty

    thank you again all for your advice. from all of your experiences it helps give me a better sense of what to expect. maybe I shouldn't read too much of these other posts b/c I think i will start to panic after i get back from a trip i will be home for a while to get kitty from shelter...
  2. F

    Using bleach

    Hey, thanks all for input! It appears that there isn't one "typical" reaction to bleach for cats. Jennyranson: This got me thinking What kind/brand of ecological cleaner with disinfectant do you use now? I hope I can get in USA. It sounds like great product! Well, it seems lemon scentd...
  3. F

    Wires and papers!

    Thanks again to both of you Yosemite you are right. It is just overwelming for me as I read all these bunches of postings with kitty problems. With so little experience with caring for kitty - I have no sense of how common or uncommon are all these problems. You know like, are these things...
  4. F

    Help: Bringing home kitty

    Thank you all for giving your time and advice so generously in writing these details for me! I expect to be home fulltime probably for first 2 weeks that kitty is home and so can observe him, see what he does. Although I get that it can still happen no matter what I plan, I want very much...
  5. F

    Wires and papers!

    Hello, Anyone have opinion and advice on this? I have bunched computer and electrical cords either running along floor or hanging. I cannot cover all of them with plastic encasing or run them above reach. How can I really protect them? Some cords or cables cannot be replaced if kitty chews...
  6. F

    Using bleach

    Folks - have opinion/experience on this one? I regularly use lemon scented bleach in my bed linens and clothes. I also use in cleaning bathroom floor and surfaces. I read many places that cats hate the smell of bleach and will pee/spray on bed linings or clothing to eliminate the smell. Is...
  7. F

    Help: Bringing home kitty

    Hello everyone! I will be bringing home 8 month old male kitty home in two weeks. I've never been a cat owner. I've read the Cat Book but I'd like some hands-on advice .... Can someone give recommendations for first couple of weeks? Any would help! I know I need to get supplies such as...