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  1. G

    New problem with Boo

    Iâ€8482ve recently posted about Booâ€8482s possible Feline Hyperesthesia which now appears her hissing/growling at her hindquarters is from hip dysplasia pain. Two days ago xrays were taken along with bloodwork sent to a lab. The films indicated the dysplasia so a script for Prednisone was...
  2. G

    Strange behavior; hissing/growling at nothing

    Thanks for the thoughts. No, the food was switched after the initial symptoms appeared and up until a few days ago, she was eating like a horse.
  3. G

    Strange behavior; hissing/growling at nothing

    Took Boo back for her second Vet visit today. Her first visit about two weeks ago resulted in a prescription for a pain/antibiotic combo that thankfully she doesnâ€8482t mind mixed in with her Wellness canned turkey. The Vet wanted to start eliminating possibles. Well, the meds didnâ€8482t do...
  4. G

    Strange behavior; hissing/growling at nothing

    10 y.o. shorthair tabby female named Boo. About a week ago she started hissing and growling at her backside. She would turn her head towards the back and hiss/growl as if something were grabbing her (she never did like anyone petting her towards the tail or rear legs). It does not happen all...