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  1. K

    Finally back

    Hey everyone from California! I have been here before, but haven't been in since last summer! So I thought I would share the newest addition to the family, my baby boy Gus Gus. I found Gus Gus at my work wondering around one day and found out he had been seen around for about 2 weeks. He was...
  2. K

    My Le Le is growing so big!

    Le Le being the banker during the LIFE game! Le Le fell asleep being the banker...silly girl I love how she looks sleeping, so innocent and sweet! My Le Le is her favorite tunnel-that daddy said she would never play in!
  3. K

    Le Le sleeping the day away behin mama's pillow!

    She is so funny, she sleeps behind my pillow anytime I am in the bed. Such a loyal little kitty!!! ]
  4. K

    Kitties have bad dreams too!!

    Le Le was lounging and all of sudden her fur perked up! I thought oh no my baby is having a bad dream! Too cute... In this on she must be dreaming of eating her favorite toy "rufus." ~Hints the chewing on the tail~ Any one else's kitty have bad dreams????
  5. K

    Suckeling! Anyone else's kitty love to suckle??

    My Le Le is a suckle queen! She loves to suckle in her bed after we play and when she is so content. It's like she is in a trance, so relaxed and tamed. I love to watch her, sometimes she will actually get stuck in her suckle like trance and just sit in her bed with her tongue out!
  6. K

    Le Le's Antics

    This is my Le Le up to no good! She may seems innocent but she fights with the best of them. Check her out fighting the evil foot! Her second greatest nemesis. [/IMG]
  7. K

    Hello everyone from California!

    I am new and happy to be able to see others cute cats and kittens. My little one is growing up so fast! Her name is Le Le and she is so adorable. Her personality is so sweet and loving. When we come home from work she runs from the bedroom to greet us, just like a dog would! She makes everyday...