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  1. 4

    Yellow vomit

    Our Jeffrey has just produced a significant amount of yellow vomit (the colour of butter). He seems fine otherwise, but hasn't eaten much today. Any ideas, should we be worried?
  2. 4

    Loulou seems to be permanently hungry

    For the last couple of months our Loulou (10years old, spayed) has seemed to be constantly hungry. We have three other cats and she goes round finishing up what they don't want, but still she demands more throughout the day (we don't give in though). She's always had this tendency (we call her...
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    Another bullying problem - need help!

    We have four indoor cats in a huge apartment with access to a huge (fenced-in balcony). All are spayed/neutered, two are female, two male. There are no problems with the females, but in the last month or so, our youngest cat Jeffrey (18 months, rescued of the streets) has started bullying George...
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    Fur changing colour?

    When we took Jeffrey to the vet for a blood test a while back they shaved some fur off his front paw where they were going to insert the needle. Jeffrey is mainly white, with a few tabby patches, including these beautiful golden colour tabby-type markings down the insides of his front paws...
  5. 4

    FIP or not?

    Here's another question from me... Our 16 month old cat Jeffrey seemed to be drinking a lot so I took him to the vet to get his kidneys checked. They did lots of tests - suggested cancer (his white blood cell count was v high), liver tumour, all sorts of awful things. In the end they decided on...
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    Diet info for oxalate crystals needed?

    Our 10-year-old Loulou has been spraying for about a year (curtains, furniture etc) and the vet has been treating her for struvite crystals. Eukanuba prescription diet made no difference, so we took her to another vet who also prescribed Struvite. So then we took her back to the first vet who...
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    Inappropriate Peeing Problems Answered

    There is some great advice/hints here, but does anyone have experience of 'inappropriate' peeing in a multi-cat household? I have four cats - George and Loulou are 9 and I've had them for seven years, Mini Me is 18 months and I've had her since she was a kitten, and Jeffrey is four months, had...