Search Results

  1. S

    Don't know what to do

    About a week ago I adopted an 8 week old kitten named Dexter, and on Saturday he was put to sleep. For some reason or another he had to be bottle fed, which caused him to have no immune system. By the time they put him to sleep all his organs were failing =( I now have a new cat, Liam, roughly...
  2. S

    My new kitten is limping... advice needed

    Hey all, I got a kitten yesterday, he is eight weeks old. This morning I noticed he has been favoring one of his legs. He is limping around on it. He can put pressure on it, and will extend it to stretch and what not. But if I so much as graze it he becomes upset and will meow. I've already...
  3. S

    Thinking of getting cat. . . few problems

    Hey all, I'm new to the forums and I figured this would be a good of place as any to ask a few questions. The thing is I'm thinking of getting a cat, but my roommate has a dog that has never been to a vet. My concern is that my future cat could become ill because of his dog. I'm definitely...