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  1. D

    Labor pains?

    I've had three children myself and I've assisted in the maternity ward a few times so I know how painful it is for us to give birth, but I've never seen an animal give birth. I was just curious if they experienced pain during childbirth as well? Do they appear to understand what is about to...
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    solid food and water intake

    Ok I'll give them some extra space at meal time. I can understand the whole "guarding your food" I've got a stash of snickers hidden from own family...don't everyone "boo and hiss" at me there are 6 people in this house from 42yo to 12 mnths if they found my stash they would have a sugar high...
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    solid food and water intake

    they were boneless chicken breasts, I had to take a dog to the ER b/c he got a chicken bone caught in his throat after digging in the trash so I'm real careful with bones. I've got a lot of tuna canned in water, I'll add a little of that to their water dishes, thats a great idea thanks. Is it...
  4. D

    vampire kitties?

    those are the most bizzare looking things I've ever seen, but I have to admit that I was thinking of poking a few holes in the life-like stuffed cat that I keep in the playpen with them and sticking some bottle nipples through the holes. Same concept except I would be using a whole cat and...
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    solid food and water intake

    Ok I started weaning the kittens a couple of days ago by mixing dry kitten chow, wet/canned kitten food and their formula into a thin broth and then making it a little thicker with each feeding. I have a few questions though... 1. The two trouble makers knocked the bag of dry kitten food over...
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    I've had a problem with fleas and roaches/ants in the past. What worked for me was borax (a.k.a "20 20 Mule Team Borax" you'll find it in the laundry soap isle at Wal-mart or any grocery store). I sprinkle the borax on the carpet before I go to bed at night and then vacuum it up in the morning...
  7. D

    similac soy formula??

    well thats interesting I would have thought isomil for lactose intolerant babies would be a better quality milk and better for the kittens than the kitten formula. I'm glad I asked first. Thanks to all for the recipies. Do they sell goat milk at walmart?
  8. D

    similac soy formula??

    called the high school and they are going to let my DD run to the store for me...I'm begining to love the south more and more everyday. I called and they were like "baby kittens? yeah we'll tell her to run by the feed store, just send her back when she's done"
  9. D

    similac soy formula??

    I'm out of MRK...I know I'm an idiot but they got up this morning and ate waaay more than they usually do. My husbnad is at work at the hospital and I am at home with 3 sick kids all running a fever and can't get to walmart till later. I have a case of Similac milk-free Soy based formula for...
  10. D

    is this wrong?

    I would water her plants with some weed-be-gone that'll teach her
  11. D

    vampire kitties?

    The kittens are sucking on each other. They aren't hungry, they just ate and I even tried feeding them again just incase they were hungry. Is there some kind of kitten pacifer? Should I stop them? It seems to be bothering me more than them.
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    My kittens are in my grandsons playpen (guess his mommy will be buying a new one now) and that has worked great I keep a heating pad on one side with the cord threaded through the bottom so they can't chew on it and get electricuted. I say it HAS worked great this afternoon I caught one climbing...
  13. D

    How do you know when to take the media seriously?

    My husband and I both work at the hospital and today we were all told to stop refering to it as "swine flu" that it was politically incorrect not scientifically incorrect but politically incorrect I almost died laughing! I mean how many pigs had to call in and complain in order for them to...
  14. D

    Tail bone...TMI?

    The tailbone area (called the coccyx) is the triangular bony structure at the bottom of your vertebral column (your spine). It is composed of 3-5 bony segments held in place by joints and ligaments. Pain and discomfort in the tailbone area is a condition called coccydynia. It is possible to...
  15. D

    Getting Custody of a Teenager?

    I'm new here so I'm not all that comfortable with giving advice but as a medical professional I can tell you that we are legally obligated to report cases of suspected abuse. Perhaps you could try taking her to a doctor, they would then be forced to report the case and family services may be...
  16. D

    6 or more toes

    Ok the white one, whom I was sure wasn't going to make it, got up for this mornings feeding and he's a whole new kitten. Normally I have to pry his mouth open and caox him slowly to eat, and this morning he attacked me and the syringe of milk. My hands are bloodied from his clawing and his belly...
  17. D

    6 or more toes

    A cat was hit by a car near my house. It isn't unusual we live in the middle of nowhere on a busy hwy and are not to far from an animal shelter (people tend to drop off their pets in the middle of the night to avoid the fee). Anyway a few hours later I heard meowing and my dog was whimpering...