Search Results

  1. poppy0109

    Confused about Flea & Tick (& etc.) Meds

    I've been reading threads here about what brand of meds to use & not use...but the more I read, the more confused I get.  Help please! My cat Teddy is 1 year 3 months old & he weighs 8.3 lbs.  I just took him to the vet.  I told them I was taking Teddy outside on a harness & leash & I'm only...
  2. poppy0109

    Anemia, vertigo & vestibular

    Saturday night I had to rush Poppy to the emergency vet because he had vertigo & vestibular really bad.  Then they did a blood test and he was super anemic.  They gave him a blood transfusion.  He's on antibiotics & steroids.  He will be getting a blood test Monday so hopefully we can find out...
  3. poppy0109

    Litter causing allergies for cat?

    Poppy is almost 4 yrs. old.  All this year he has been itching, licking and eyes watering.  The vet has him on allergy medicine but it doesn't completely help. So I thought I would change his litter, even though I've been using the same scoopable Tidy Cat since he was a baby.  I'm trying Swheat...
  4. poppy0109

    What's in the box?

    Cat in the box!  Barely... Mom you woke me up, now I'm hungry!
  5. poppy0109

    Eye goo, scratching and licking. Is it allergies?

    I'm worried about my Poppy.  In January he had an eye infection.  My vet gave me antibotic drops.  That didn't completely clear it up so she switched it to antibotic with steroid drops.  His eyes got better but there was still creamy discharge coming out of his eyes, then drying and I'd wipe it...
  6. poppy0109

    Sensitive paw pads or just picky?

    I bought Poppy The Ultimate Cat Scratching Post but he ignores it. I bought him the cardboard in a box scratcher and he barely touches it. I bought him carpeted cat trees and he scratches them like crazy. He has tried to scratch at my couch but I covered it with a blanket. He has tried to...
  7. poppy0109

    Still biting, hopefully not turning aggressive

    Poppy is 6 1/2 months old now, neutered for 1 1/2 months. I've tried the bendy straws, he could care less about them. I think he'd rather chew on something more substantial. Last night: When I first go to bed I want to read but Poppy still wants to play. So I had a little stuffed mouse with...
  8. poppy0109

    Growing so fast

    Less than three months ago... Today! A new of my makeup brushes he stole out of the bathroom Look, more toys! Stop buying so many Skechers Meowmy! Hangin' out
  9. poppy0109

    Strange behavior right after neutering

    I got Poppy neutered on Monday. He's about 5 months old. Monday night I went to a meeting and my parents were visiting so they could watch him. They said that Poppy took one of his toys (a long furry tail-like toy that can be attached to a pole) and was running around with it, putting it...
  10. poppy0109

    He won't stop biting me

    No matter how many times I redirect him to a toy or tell him no or cry out in pain, he still bites me. It's mainly when he is really active, excited and playing. If I stop playing with him he'll bite my foot or my hand or my arm. If he's playing (biting and wrestling) with his stuffed animal...
  11. poppy0109

    Poppy acting bad these past few days

    Since yesterday evening Poppy has been acting mean and misbehaving. He's biting me all over (feet, legs, knees, arms, hands). I say NO firmly and/or I make a high pitched squealing noise then I redirect him to a toy but he keeps coming back to me and biting. Also, he won't leave the one...
  12. poppy0109

    Another URI?

    I think Poppy has another URI. When I adopted him on Jan. 30th he had a URI. The vet gave me antibotics and the yellow goo from his eyes went away but he never stopped sneezing. A few weeks ago his left eye started watering again but it was clear. Now both eyes are watering and there is...
  13. poppy0109

    Trying for Tootsie Rolls (Poppy's Poop)

    This is funny because I'm totally examining Poppy's poop and getting all excited when he produces tootsie roll stools. But then it's not so funny because I'm worried about his digestive system and how he strains to poop when it is a looser stool. I posted here last week that the vet wanted me...
  14. poppy0109

    I told the vet, then the vet told me

    I took Poppy to the vet yesterday. He's 15 weeks and weighs 4.02 pounds, up 1.02 pounds from Feb. 21st. I told the vet that when Poppy poops he makes straining noises, like it's hard for him to go and it looks like he's straining a bit. He does go, about twice a day. It's not completely...
  15. poppy0109

    Local Pet Store

    I went to the local pet store today that carries many healthy brands of food. The owner was very nice. We were talking about nutrition, he was very knowledgeable about it and he was surprised that I knew so much. I told him about this site and how much I learned from the people that post on...
  16. poppy0109

    B.G. Before Grain Brand

    I went to a local pet store today. They carry many healthy brands. The first one I saw was B.G. Before Grain. I've never heard of it before...haven't seen it mentioned here...though I haven't been here long. I picked up the small can of Chicken wet food to read the ingredients...
  17. poppy0109

    Spazo Kitten is Calming Down

    Poppy is now over 3 months old and this weekend I noticed that he slept alot more than usual. In the mornings he was way spazo, playing and running around. Then all afternoon, evening and night he slept. During the evening he did get up a few times to eat and go to the bathroom but not to...
  18. poppy0109

    I've got a finicky eater with wet food

    Since there's so many choices of wet foods, I decided to buy Poppy a variety of kitten wet foods and see what he would eat. I'm not sure that was the best idea because he's choosing the "junk" wet food over the healthier kinds. He turned his nose up on and did the digging/burying around the...
  19. poppy0109

    Poppy's getting bigger (cuteness alert with tongue)

    Last time I was told to warn about the cuteness with tongue. Poppy is now 3 months old...already, wow they grow up so fast. My sweet furbaby is enjoying laying in the sun, looking out the window and playing on his new perch/scratching thingie I bought him yesterday.
  20. poppy0109

    On Mom's lap at the Computer

    "Pay attention to me!" "Bad Poppy!" "Good Poppy!" "You know you love me!"